The theme of my articles on is the discovery of new knowledge about the design of the world, by the “gods” of myth and legend, and the central part that design has played in the intellectual origins and mental development of mankind on Earth. You can follow the path so far in those articles: “The Clockwork Moon Science Ignores”, “Two Simple Facts…”, “Theory…Wrong”, “For Monty Python Fans…”, “The Holy Grail…”, “Signs of An Amazing Time”, “Hannah Montana…Milankovitch…,” “Atlantis At Last”, and “Details of Atlantis…”.
For new readers, believe it or not, the bare fact, that the Earth was subjected to a wholesale re-formation and design, has already been simply demonstrated, here, albeit with some humor.
I want now to introduce how the design motivated ancient beliefs, words and legends, using the example of Atlantis/Greenland discussed in the last two articles.
The fundamental fact behind the ancient testimonies, such as myths, is the idea of “sacred images.” I found this is the conceptual key to all the ancient mysteries, and the original sacred images of mankind were the forms given the landmasses on the Earth by the designers.
Here is the image of Greenland on the globe today. It should be noted that this (as with the other Earth images) is the “gods’-eye view,” looking down on the Earth from space – a realization that underscores the fact that the “gods” made the design on the Earth, and only they could have.
What sacred image, or images, does Greenland represent? Like all the images on the Earth, it is a simple outline, with a vague but decided resemblance to a number of objects, familiar even to a child. This, shall we say, artistic quality allows it to play a part in many myths, as different characters, which I discuss in my “end of the mystery” books. We will follow just one of these characters here.
Greenland first looked to me most like the seated torso of a woman, because of the smoothness and the shape of the southern coastlines, outlining as it were the “leg” and “rear end” of the figure. Over many months, I gradually brought together a number of independent strands of ancient testimony and modern knowledge that, amazingly, confirmed my initial impression.
For example, a recurring character in Greek myth is that of the maiden, or virgin, pursued by Zeus or one of his equally lusty brothers. The most famous virgin in myth is Io, who was, incredible as it sounds, “changed into a snow-white heifer” by Zeus, to hide her from his wife, Hera. Now look again at Greenland: While its southern half resembles a “virgin,” or young woman, on its northwest corner it bears a creature-like face, with a short muzzle. It looks rather like a dog, or a calf – or, considering it as a female, a heifer. And Greenland is famous for its whiteness – in fact, snow white, just like Io – due to the ice that covers it almost entirely.
So, just like the mythical Io, Greenland can be recognized – by even a child – as both a woman and a “snow-white” calf. It is the only shape on the Earth that, remarkably, fits the unique mythical description of Io. It is also a major landmass, which would indeed require it to represent just such a famous character in myth, if the landmasses motivated the myths.
The myth of Io also fits the movement of Atlantis along the mid-ocean rift, as I discussed briefly in “Atlantis At Last”. For Hera sent a gadfly to chase and pester Io, causing her to wander over the Earth. So both the landmass and the mythical character were “wide-wanderers” on the Earth.
We have now four independent markers identifying Io with Greenland/Atlantis: The “virgin,” the “calf,” the “snow-white” color, and the wide wandering.
We can in fact complete the identification of myth and landmass in every detail. Just to the southeast of Greenland today is Iceland, which has a strange fanlike arrangement of peninsulas, pointing toward Greenland as if to poke it. As a sacred image, Iceland can be identified with the gadfly sent by Hera to torture Io over the Earth. (And the shape of nearby North America can be identified with the creature Argus sent by Hera to guard Io closely. One can easily imagine this was also the ancient origin of the fairy tale “Snow White,” who was also driven out, in the deadly care of a guard, and hounded by the wicked Queen – just as Hera was Queen to Zeus.)
To top off the by-now sure identity of Io and Greenland, fully six European nations use essentially the same word for “green”: “verde,” or a very similar word (“vert” in French, “vihrea” in Finnish). And “green” is a synonym for “virgin,” meaning unused, untried, or unripe. The Portuguese “verde” is even pronounced, “veer-jee.” So Greenland is indeed the “Virgin land” on the designed Earth. Portuguese legend tells of an Atlantis-like island known as “Ilha Verde,” and the French an “Ile Vert,” both meaning “Green Isle.”
And finally, the myth says that Io was turned into a snow-white heifer “in the fair island of Abantis,” alias Atlantis. It is also the “Avalon” of Arthurian legend and the “Abaton” of Osiris thousands of years earlier – and every other “Lost Isle to the West,” such as “Elysium,” “Ultima Thule,” and most recently, the “Westernesse” (literally, “Western Isle”) and “Numenor” of J.R.R. Tolkien. Further south, as Atlantis, it was fair indeed; in the cold north, under thick ice, it has lain hidden in plain sight throughout history. The design behind the ancient mysteries is thoroughly recorded in all the ancient, sacred testimonies; this has been only one example of that undoubted fact.