
NewsBlaze logoNewsBlaze is now an American company, and of course we are still news for Americans.

At NewsBlaze we strive to provide useful news and information, and the editors work hard to maintain high editorial standards. We proofread and edit every story for spelling, grammar, format and meaning.

If you see a problem, we’d love to hear about it, so we can make corrections. Send us an email or call us on the phone. If you phone, please check the difference between our timezones, because we might be sleeping when you’re awake.

You can also connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and a few other social media sites.

While head office is Utah, most of our news is meant for U.S. readers, just as it was when we lived in Australia.

Point of Award


editor Alan
Emeritus Founder, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief: Alan Gray

Phone: +61 8 8531 0254 – in Australia


editor Judyth
Senior Editor: Judyth Piazza

editor Carmen
Editor: Carmen Alasagas

editor Sally
Editor: Sally Ann Gray

Contact NewsBlaze

Fill out my online form.


Phone: +61 8 8531 0254 – in Australia

Writers and Journalists

NewsBlaze has active writers all over the world.

Contact: Editors
Phone: +61 8 8531 0254 – in Australia