
Born To Be Wild, Gen X

Generation X will never forget the 80's. It was a time of dual income families, single parent households and children of divorce. Generation Xers...

Iconic Magic Shop Zucchini’s Tricks and Things Fights to Stay Open with Community Support

Will Roberts, owner of Zucchini’s Tricks and Things, launches a GoFundMe to save California’s oldest magic shop from closing.

In Bondage to Evil

Can the contemporary psychology of mental illness reasonably explain all the phenomena associated with what is widely known as demonic or spirit possession? This...

Generation X and the New York City Hardcore Years

Generation X Like many "Generation X" teenagers that grew up in the NYC area in the 80s & 90s I was part of the New...

MN Diversity Writing Event Features Textbook ‘How Dare We! Write’

Modern History Press (MHP) is proud to announce its contribution to an upcoming writers' workshop focused on black writers. MHP is donating a dozen...


