The World’s 21st Century Chronic Disease – APATHY


Today, 26 years ago in history. Remembering what the world prefers not to remember.

Azerbaijan borders with Armenia, Russia, Georgia, Turkey and Iran. A very difficult and unstable neighborhood. Yet, this country, an exemplary model of harmony and coexistence, is a victim of its neighboring Armenia’s aggression.

On the eve of February 25, and the morning of February 26, 1992, Armenia invaded the town of Khojaly in Azerbaijan and Armenian soldiers indiscriminately shot at innocent men, women, children and brutally killing 613 of them, as they attempted to flee from their homes, under siege, into the surrounding forest, toward safety.

When Armenian soldiers decided to invade the Azerbaijan homeland, in their attempt to capture land and end innocent lives, they held no cruelty back. That was the infamous Khojaly Massacre, described by Human Rights Watch as the “largest massacre in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict” between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

Watch this video to see what happened in Khojaly in 1992:

I am a daughter of two parents who survived the Holocaust, the greatest genocide in human history known to mankind. I see what is taking place around the world; they are murdering the innocent people in Nigeria, in Syria, in Myanmar and the apathy of the world’s community is so very difficult to bear. I feel helpless as I am sure millions others like me. They are white washing history of Genocide, as Poland is trying to do, and you cannot help it but think, has the world gone mad, or it was always like this?!

injured people.

Around the World Ugly News

Syria: February 25, 2018, in what described as hell on earth, more than 500 people, including more than 120 children, have been killed in seven days of relentless airstrikes in Eastern Ghouta, Syria.

Nigeria: February 22, 2018, three days after suspected Boko Haram militants raided their school in northeastern Nigeria this week, nearly 100 Nigerian schoolgirls are still missing. This incident came four years after 276 students were abducted from

their school, 170 miles away in the northeastern town of Chibok.

Myanmar: Over 650,000 refugees – mostly women and children – have fled to Bangladesh to escape horrific violence in Myanmar. US Holocaust Museum says there is evidence of genocide against Rohingya in Myanmar. Year-long report into atrocities accuses security forces of ‘unprecedented and systematic’ campaign of violence against Muslim population.

The United Nations Organization (UN) is greatly responsible for the wide spread misdeeds and this organization is doing nothing, accounting for total apathy.

Established on 24 October 1945 after World War II, as replacement for the ineffective League of Nations, with the aim of preventing another such conflict, the United Nations (UN) is an intergovernmental organization tasked to promote international cooperation and to create and maintain international order.

The UN is made of 193 member-countries all subject to the organization’s objectives that include maintaining international peace and security, promoting human rights, fostering social and economic development, protecting the environment, and providing humanitarian aid in cases of famine, natural disaster, and armed conflict.

With all its glorious charter’s designations and programmes, the UN is simply feckless, good-for-nothing organization. All it is capable of doing is going and going again and again after Israel, condemning Israel, berating one of the most democratic countries in the world while all other dictatorships and belligerent countries get a pass, are not dealt with. And not even mentioned.

20% of the sovereign land of Azerbaijan was stolen by Armenia in day light, involving killing innocent people and much cruelty and the world could care less.

Where will this type of genocide appear again?

4 UNSC Good for Nothing Resolutions

Azerbaijan is a member of the UN. The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) passed 4 resolutions on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in favor of Azerbaijan:

Resolution 822, April 30, 1993: calls for the cessation of hostilities and withdrawal of Armenian troops from Kelbajar and other recently occupied areas of the Azerbaijani Republic following its occupation on April 3, 1993.

Resolution 853, July 29, 1993: Demands the immediate cessation of all hostilities, calls on withdrawal of Armenian troops from Agdam and other recently occupied areas of the Azerbaijani Republic and reaffirms UN Resolution 822.

Resolution 874, October 14, 1993: Calls for the preservation of the ceasefire, cessation of hostilities and withdrawal of Armenian troops from recently occupied Azerbaijani districts of Fiuzuli (August 23, 1993), Jabravil (August 26, 1993), Qubadli (September 31, 1993) and other recently occupied areas of the Azerbaijani Republic, and reaffirms UN Resolutions 822 and 853.

Resolution 884, November 12, 1993: Condemns the recent violations of the cease-fire established between the parties, which resulted in a resumption of hostilities; calls upon the Government of Armenia to use its influence to achieve compliance by the Armenians of the Nagorno-Karabakh region of the Azerbaijani Republic with resolutions 822, 853 and 874; demands from the parties concerned the immediate cessation of armed hostilities; calls for the withdrawal of Armenia from Azerbaijani district of Zangilan and reaffirms UN Resolutions 822, 853, 874.

Most importantly, these resolutions also condemned the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Azerbaijani civilians from the lands that were invaded by Armenia. But after 26 years these Azerbaijanis remain refugees in their own country and due to the ongoing Armenian occupation they cannot peacefully return to their homes and farms.

What is the point of passing resolution? Is it to justify the UN bureaucrats’ fat salaries or to follow on them with action and implement them? I am assuming the former, not the latter.

Today, 26 years ago, Armenia perpetrated the first genocide after the Cold War ended and the shameful world is drowning in apathy. What happened to moral compass, what happened to coexistence?

Do not run away from darkness, face it and disperse it so the light shines again.

Nurit Greenger
Nurit Greenger
During the 2006 second Lebanon War, Nurit Greenger, referenced then as the "Accidental Reporter" felt compelled to become an activist. Being an 'out-of-the-box thinker, Nurit is a passionately committed advocate for Jews, Israel, the United States, and the Free World in general. From Southern California, Nurit serves as a "one-woman Hasbarah army" for Israel who believes that if you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything.

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