I am an American Jew and my vote is for American conservative values. Mainly individual freedom, limited government, the rule of law, peace through strength, no forever wars, fiscal responsibility, and human dignity.
I know that American Jews mostly vote for the Marxist Democrat Party that derides America. By doing that, they fulfil the ancient old Jewish axiom of loving their abuser.
Sun Tzu was a Chinese military general, strategist, philosopher, and writer who lived during the Eastern Zhou period, around 500 BCE. He is traditionally credited as the author of The Art of War, an influential work of military strategy that has affected both Western and East Asian philosophy and military thought.
Sun Tzu’s famous proverb is: “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” ~ Sun Tzu, The Art of War.
Close to 100 years after the Holocaust took place in which one out of three European Jews was murdered by the Nazis, Jews now vote for Jew haters to represent them.
Jews keep those Jew haters in power and always excuse their reasons for such voting habits.
None of those reasons make real sense.
Jews and Muslims
In the 21st century a fierce battle between the Jews and the Muslims is taking place.
In the hadith – a collection of traditions containing sayings of the Islam prophet Muhammad which, with accounts of his daily practice (the Sunna), constitute the major source of guidance for Muslims apart from the Koran – allegedly the Prophet said: “The Hour will not begin until you fight the Jews, until a Jew will hide behind a rock or a tree, and the rock or tree will say: ‘O Muslim, O slave of Allah, here is a Jew behind me; come and kill him.” ~ except the gharqad (a kind of thorny tree).
One important question is: why does the hadith tells Muslims they have to kill Jews?
Another question that must be asked: Why do American Jews vote for the Democrat Party that is proud of its Jew-hating “Squad” group members? Some are Muslims who support the murderous terror group Hamas. Their party shows little affinity for Israel, the only Jewish state
Politics of The Democrat Ticket
Kamala Harris, running for president, chose Tim Walz to be her sidekick Vice President. Walz has clear, old and unworkable views on Israel and the war Israel is now engaged in against Hamas. He said “We can’t allow what’s happened in Gaza to happen. The Palestinian people have every right to life and liberty themselves. We need to continue to put the leverage on to make sure we move towards a two-state solution.”
Kamala Harris also promotes the mistaken approach of the ‘two state solution’ of supporting and appeasing terrorism.
The two state solution has failed spectacularly. And although many of the Israeli-left previously called for the two-state solution, most Israelis finally realize that neither Hamas nor Fatah can be trusted, and the two-state solution is the wrong answer.
In a Michigan radio interview Walz said: “Anti-Israel protesters are ‘speaking out for all the right reasons.'” In other words, Walz is for Hamas, for anti-Israel protesters.
I see clearly that many American Jews have forgotten what respect is. They have sunk into the ancient 2000 year-old mentality of wanting to be included rather than respected?
For centuries, the mentality of the Diaspora Jews was not to rattle their host country’s people. I call it the “shah-Shtil” mentality. Jews, battered by antisemitism, begin to believe the lies that are told about them and then try to end the conflict by “self-reformation.” In psychological terms, this is ‘grandiose’ behavior, a delusion that Jews have the power to change the behavior of the anti-Semites.
It is almost a year since the monstrous, murderous October 7 2023 Hamas invasion into Israel, the worst heinous attack on Jews since the Holocaust-Shoah.
October 7, 2023 Was Israel’s 9/11, 23 Years, 8422 Days Later
While Israel is at war, one can say for its existence, the Biden Democrat administration has badly harmed Israel’s war efforts. Biden and his cronies held back, or slow walked, the supply of weapons congress committed to supply Israel; they forced Israel to allow supply of humanitarian aid and fuel to the “innocent” Gazans which was picked up, by force, by Hamas and then sold to the Gazans at high price. This kept Hamas’s abilities to fight ongoing and brought about half a billion dollars in income to their coffers; and Biden Democrats threaten Israel with ample “DON’T,” all caused to lengthen the war and tolled Israel with many fallen.
Where were all the organizations that claim to represent Jews and support Israel to have put “DON’T” pressure on this administration? They are all in the Democrat Party’s pocket and will remain there to fit in and be disrespected.
The Absurdity, Jews Vote for Their Haters
How did we get to a place, less than 100 years after the Shoah-Holocaust, where Jews vote for the Jew-haters? The Jewish voters keep the abusers in power. Always trying to rationalize the reasons.
American Jews Inability to Have Rational Thinking
Today’s Democrat Party is not the party of JFK (John Fitzgerald Kennedy; even RFK Jr (Robert Francis Kennedy Jr, the son of Robert F. Kennedy) cannot relate to it.
One then wonders why American Jews are stuck on voting for a party that left them years ago. Do they suffer from an error of thinking?
If American Jews can still allow themselves to reflect on the Holocaust which Hitler caused, why would they vote for a party whose members call Donald Trump – Hitler. Trump is the president who has done so much good for the Jewish state, Israel, without harming anyone.
What Donald Trump Did For The Jews-
Trump moved the American embassy to Jerusalem, a move approved by congress in 1995 and no president since actioned it; he declared the Golan Heights a part of sovereign Israel; he defunded the corrupt UNRWA (The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East); he defunder the Abbas Palestinian Authority (PA); and he helped to materialize the Abraham Accords which brought Muslim countries into a historical relationship with Israel, while he brought Iran’s economy to its knees.
What Do The Democrats Offer The Jews?
The Democrats brought Antisemitism and animosity toward Israel into the American mainstream.
They put Jews in the box of oppressors, colonialists, and white skinned privileged people.
The Democrat Party approach to law and order made Jews less safe in the US.
The rule is that you must not appease Jew hatred and haters but the Democrat Party empowers them.
You can never run away from being Jewish. German Jews who lived in the Nazi era attest to that. They tried to be more German than Germans, but it did not bode well for them.
Sigmund Freud, the neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis had such conflict.
Here is Freud’s approach to be a Jew in Germany in the 30s:
“I was born and brought up in Germany; I had breathed the air of Germany and its spirit had molded mine; as a German writer I had helped to preserve the purity of the German language. How much of me was German, how much Jewish? I could not have said. The words, ‘I am proud to be a German’ or “I am proud to be a Jew,” sounded stupid to me. They also say, “I am proud to have brown eyes.”
“Must I then join the ranks of the bigoted and glorify my Jewish blood now, not my German? Pride and love are not the same thing, and if I were asked where I belonged I would answer that a Jewish mother had borne me, that Germany had nourished me, Europe had formed me, my home was the earth, and the world my fatherland.”
In 1926, the Influential psychologist Sigmund Freud also reassessed his identity. The Austrian native told an interviewer, “My language is German. My culture, my attainments are German. I considered myself German intellectually, until I noticed the growth of anti-Semitic prejudice in Germany and German Austria. Since that time, I prefer to call myself a Jew.” A revealing comment from a man who did not believe in God or organized religion.
Question For Jewish Democrats
Here is a question for the American Democrat Party’s Jewish members.
Rather than being Jewish first, supporting their own safety and the existence of the Jewish state, do they want to be Democrat Party members first? This question is asked knowing that many in the ranks of the Democrat Party despise Jews and the Jewish state. If the Jewish Democrats do, will they continue until it is too late, i.e. as happened with the Holocaust?
Learn From History or Repeat The Mistakes

The post-Holocaust generations of American Jews are rather blind to their Jewishness, an approach that has proven to be calamitous. They lead a privileged life and many have no healthy rationale to politics.
Michal Cotler-Wunsh, Israel’s special envoy to combat antisemitism, stated: “Global response to October 7, 2023 Hamas terrorist attacks in southern Israel shows the ‘collapse of morality.'”
Anti-Semitic attacks on Jews in America reached new heights and what did the Biden-Harris administration do to stop this? Nothing. The one put her feet into this ancient hatred fire to fight this dangerous phenomenon is Republican Conference Chair Representative Elise M. Stefanik from New York.
No Democrat Party member is out to defend Jews in America, but members of the Republican Party do.
American Jews Are the Democrat Party’s Useful Idiots
American Jews should know that their vote is for all the issues that will not help America to recover from its obvious decline.
Voting for the Democrat Party puts them in the same frame with Madonna’s disgraceful behavior who said she “Thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House.”
Voting for the Democrat Party puts these Jews in the same frame as the Democrat Party’s Israel haters, anti-Semite Muslim congresswomen, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar.
They will abort Americanism, will vote for America’s decay in order to vote for the access to abortion law lies. Is it possible that the Democrats are using the abortion mechanism to reduce the number of Americans, white, black and hispanic, because they are cognizant that muslims are out-producing all others?
Voting for the Democrat Party puts voters in the frame with the insignificant abortion matter that has become so important to the Democrats. This while life in America is in a downhill slalom of decline, forgetting that in Judaism life, in any form, takes precedent.
Voting for the Democrat Party puts voters in the frame of a party that has taken away much of the freedom the Framers of America gave us through the Constitution they so brilliantly composed. This is voting for the Democrat Party’s Marxist ruling system or worse.
American Jews voting for the Democrat Party puts much onus on them for all American Jews and the State of Israel. What will they say if years from now their children and grandchildren ask them, what did you do to protect us? Will you have anything to say?
November 24 is a Pivotal Election
Americans, all Americans who vote for Donald Trump as the next president vote for America, the republic the Democrats have ruined so much. That includes putting up a real fight against antisemitism and all those who openly and rather violently reject the state of Israel’s existence.
American Jews who vote for the Democrat Party should do real soul searching. Reassess their position and hopefully arrive at admitting their mistake. It is not too late. Do not let it be too late.
A Lesson to Learn From Hannah Arendt
Hannah Arendt, born in Germany in 1906, was a German-American historian and philosopher. She was one of the most influential political theorists of the 20th century who discussed Jewish assimilation in western societies.
Arendt grew up on two ideologies, assimilationism and Zionism.
The assimilationists were for Jews becoming Germans (in the 21st century Americans); the Zionists were against it. She claimed that anti-Semitism was the climate of Europe, and that the answer was a Jewish nation to match the German nation, the French nation, and so on. Of course, the Zionists were right about Germany, and the Zionists won and made a nation, Israel. The Democrat Party does not factor Zionist Israel into its ideology.
Humility Is a Rare Trait in 21st Century People.
Now Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth. ~ Torah Book Numbers 12:3
Here I ask American Jews who have not found in themselves that humility trait to search for it below the hubris of “I know it all.” Please redirect votes away from the Democrat Party and vote for where American and Jewish life in America will gain the most.