Local Humanitarian group Advocates United for Humanity Founders are devastated over the death of 9-year-old Anson Stover, a fourth-grader at Robb Elementary. Anson was found dead in his home. An autopsy revealed he died from unspeakable abuse. Kids Watch is urgently needed.
People See Things
In cases like this, authorities ask if anyone has any information on the case to report it but all too often people fear reporting what they see, hear or suspect in fear of being wrong and held accountable. If someone files a report of suspected child abuse in good faith and no evidence is found. There is no harm done.

However, what happens if you see, hear or suspect child abuse and don’t report it? It would be unbearable to know you could have done something to protect a child or save a child’s life but you did nothing out of fear.
Board of Directors President Donna Kshir said, “I would rather file a report and be wrong a million times than to have one child lose their life.”
Advocates United for Humanity knows it takes a village to raise a child, but it also takes a village to protect one. Their goal is to start a ‘Community Kids Watch’ program to report the abuse and stop the violence before another innocent child, like Anson, loses their life.
Kids Watch
The ‘Community Kids Watch’ program is intended to help children in the community feel safe and protected knowing not only their families, but friends, neighbors, and community are carefully watching over them. Each person can adopt a neighborhood, apartment complex, building, street, block or community and vow to take a stand to stop child abuse by “watching, listening and reporting” any suspicious or suspected activity of abuse towards a child.
In memory of Anson, the “Community Kids Watch” volunteers will be known as “Anson Ambassadors.”
Unfortunately, people have a tendency to forget very easily, but Anson will never grow up, play sports, get a driver’s license, go to the prom, get married, have children of his own or grow old. His life was stolen by a woman who didn’t know his worth. Children are precious and valuable, all children. They are our future and we as a society need to protect them as the precious, valuable gems they are.
Preventable Deaths
Sometimes protecting them means protecting them from the ones who should love them the most. Anson’s death was one hundred percent preventable. His life could have been saved by one phone call. Don’t let Anson’s death be in vain. Take a stand and hold people who abuse children accountable.
This program validates the importance of reporting what you see, hear or suspect.
Advocates United for Humanity was founded in June 2016 by bestselling authors and sister advocates Donna M. Kshir and Lee Roberts. These leading ladies have volunteered their time and talents with various non-profit organizations over their lifetime, animal rights, volunteered at their children’s schools, in youth groups and give of themselves as much as they can, as their health allows.
Both women are highly respected activists dedicating their voice to Conner’s Law – Kentucky, uniting with Erin’s Law, Animal Rescue and Rights, Children’s Rights, Missing and Unidentified Persons, the Homeless, Domestic Violence, Writing and Publishing Books, Educational Radio Broadcasts and the Deaf Community.
Anson Ambassador
To become an Anson Ambassador, to sponsor the ‘Community Kids Watch’ program or for a full description of the program, visit Advocates United for Humanity’s official website www.au4h.weebly.com or email them at au4h@yahoo.com.