The worsening political situation in Nepal continues. Half a month has passed since the new Government was formed under the leadership of UML president Comrade JN Khanal. He is yet to expand his cabinet.
A new twist that Prime Minister’s party is against the 7 point agreement he went through with the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoists) which made him Prime Minister. And because of his inability to convince his party to rectify the 7 point agreement and let the Maoists get Home Ministry, they rather like to be out of the Cabinet. Hence, JN Khanal was forced to have only three ministers included in the cabinet without portfolio from his party only.
The final days for the promulgation of the New Constitution of the “Old Himalayan Kingdom/ New Republic” is at hand, just a few more months are left. The prime issue to be addressed before the new constitution is still unclear. Finding a solution to the problem of the Maoists combatants for the end of Peace Process with logical conclusion is a must. However, the Prime Minister’s party is not in favor of the resolution that was signed by JN Khanal and Prachanda regarding integration of the combatants to the armed force or creating a new force. It will be another miracle, if new constitution promulgate in timely manner.
Political actors are now not shameful to publicly announce that the new structure cannot be promulgated in time. New Prime Minister in his interview with BBC Nepali service has already hinted that extension of Constitution Assembly is possible. However, they will still blame one another for the failure.
Is it useless at this juncture to discuss whose fault it is for not being able to meet all the deadlines for Peace process to end in a positive manner? Some political pundits may think that way but others may not. However, the need of the hour is to dig deeper into the problem and find a way out to fix it.
At the time of any political change in Nepal, political observers see foreign interventions. Why such intrusions happen and who are to be blamed for such interference? No one will deny that only political actors are to be blamed because they always welcome foreign meddling for their support.
The recent examples can be sighted from 12 point agreement which ended the Maoists bloody insurgent that cost 12,000 lives. This accord was signed in New Delhi the capital of India between all political parties of Nepal. The accord signed in India paved the way for the election of CA and transforming Nepal to a new Republic and formation of the Maoists government.
The present day political crisis started from the day CA was formed from the verdict of the people. The verdict of people was against absolute majority to any party. No party got majority to form single party government. Instead of respecting the verdict and work together to identify the common issues for the country and the people the parties started showing differences to grab absolute power.
Why do the parties need such supreme power? In democracy where Human Rights are respected and people enjoy Liberty the parties do not need absolute power. They govern accepting rule of law and separation of the power.
However, in Nepal the parties are guided with their abstract objectives to create panacea for all evils that can be seen in the society as well as in the governess. They argue that they need power to transform the society and the country as a whole. But the parties’ leadership does not realize that human society is very dynamic and there cannot be a onetime remedy for all evils. In well established democracy the opportunity of reforms always continues.
In quest of grabbing absolute power by forming Government after CA election the Maoists’ ill intention was perceived by many observers. The Maoists are guided by their ideology to create a heavenly society. Although the ideological Shangri-La is a mirage the Maoists leadership was trying to grab power to start “Dictatorial Rule” which they consider Shangri-La.
But at that time it was understandable the role of the Indian envoy to Nepal which was vibrant in the Maoist support with his first public remark asking G. P. Koirala to vacate Prime Minister Chair for Prachanda. That situation did not become irony and a matter of foreign intervention to Prachanda and his party because it was in favor of them.
Now with the lapse of time and exposed to the present day reality, if the parties have learned that trying to establish Shangri-La may cost more resources, energy and even national unity, the logical conclusion of the peace process is possible. Otherwise, we are bound to be spiraled in the design that was the outcome of ourselves in peruse of panacea for all evils that can be seen in the society as well as in the governess at one stroke.