Bhupal Lamichhaney
Dissolution of Nepal Constitution Assembly Stirs Controversy
According to the leaders of the Maoists party the PM's visit to India and signed anti National pact in spite of his party's warning.
Are The Maoists of Nepal Nationalists Or Communists?
Nationalism acuity believes in one's a nation or a state. The love for a certain nation or a state and the desire to work for it's betterment at the highest level is defined as Nationalism where as Communism is termed as a form of socialism that l
China’s Assistance to Nepal Increases
The quantum increase of Chinese aid to Nepal has raised a series of questions in the public of Nepal. Nepalese public fear China's influence in the government of Nepal can be a means of violating Human Rights of the Tibetan refugees.
Indo-Nepal Relation is Too Complicated to Judge
The Nepalese are proud of their independence for which they have sacrificed a lot. Never to surrender to unjust is the traditional bloodline of a Nepali person.
America is The Undisputed Leader of Freedom and Democracy
America has been providing world leadership in the promotion of above mentioned principles in different methods by supporting people's legitimate demand of liberty and democracy globally.
What is Happening With Our World Today?
In the wake of recent world disasters, are we serious about minimizing the impacts by acting on the causes under our control? The answer is often unenthusiastic. We are so reluctant to sacrifice our own comforts. Instead, we want others to do this w
Rock Star Bryan Adams Becomes a Hero in Nepal’s Democracy Day...
For them, the actual hero of the day was someone else and the real celebrations were reserved for his program scheduled to start much later in the evening.
Turmoil Engulfs Nepal as Political Leaders Seek Absolute Power
Now with the lapse of time and exposed to reality, if the parties have learned that trying to establish Shangri-La may cost more resources, energy and even national unity, the logical conclusion of the peace process is possible.