New Delhi has always played a vital perceptible role in the tiny Himalayan country Nepal. This role was sometimes appreciated not only by many Nepali people but also by different countries including archrivals China and Pakistan.
It was during 2006 when Nepal was in turmoil. The Maoists were waging war against its own people and the King of Nepal took control of the country in a bloodless coup. During that time the people were so fed up with the violence and disorder in the country, they felt obliged for Delhi’s intervention for bringing the Maoists rebels and all other political key players to a conscientious exit for leaving weapons.
However, Delhi has the fame or defame of brokering a ‘Peace Pact’ between the Nepali Congress, the Rana Rulers, and the King of Nepal in 1951. This tripartite compromise known as the ‘Delhi Treaty’ is still infamous in Nepali Politics. The leftist politicians, especially the Communists of Nepal, have become champions in denouncing the Delhi Treaty. They are of view that the treaty led New Delhi to intervene in every internal matter of Nepal. Their eyes always see Nepali Congress as mere stooges of Indian hegemony because Nepali Congress was one of the three political forces.
However, it is true that Delhi hosted the leaders of the communist parties of Nepal, the Maoists and the UML, as well as their archrival, the Nepali Congress, the oldest and largest Democratic Party, which they label as pro Indian for deep consultation for finding out a formula for the poor and ignorant people of Nepal. They formulated 12 point understanding and the road map for peace and democracy. On the basis of the same road map, peace initiatives in Nepal have moved forward till today.
Traditionally anti-Indian vocalists in Nepal are the Communists and the Royalists. But ironically, after causing the death of so many thousands of innocent fellow citizens, the Communists specially the Maoists are now in a transformed ideological concept from one party dictatorial rule to a competitive multi-party political system. Shouldn’t the people of Nepal thank India for the transformation of the Maoists communists?
Today, one can see two kinds of thoughts regarding India’s role in Nepal. There is the importance of positive role of the neighboring country in order to restore peace, normalcy and development. It cannot be possible without India’s cooperation. Without India’s backing a government in Nepal will not be stable and her economical progress can not excel. This kind of rhetoric can be heard in Nepal from all Political Parties leadership. The Maoists leadership is not an exception. Here is a question then arises.
What do people make out of the Maoists rhetoric of fight with Indian expansionism? The Maoists never saw Indian expansionism while they were at the government. But as soon as the Prachanda’s government fell the rhetoric began to air like mantra of making a new government again. For the Maoists the government of UML under MP Nepal’s leadership was considered a pro India government sponsored by India. But now the Maoists are happy to shoulder the government of JN Khanal who is the leader of UML.
There are some people in Nepal who criticize India for each and every event in Nepal. Among those dubious people the number of communists leaders surpass others. There is no question that many political pundits in Nepal who are Indo phobic will see events in Nepal as the hegemonic role of India. They do not think that when people are not united, leaders do care for their own interest and are always eying to grab power with any kind of available means including taking support of the foreigners; it is obvious that the foreign powers will play. India has been champion in this connection.
It seems Nepal is facing problems with so many issues. But a vibrant democracy will always have issues. One finishes another comes up. As a new thought arises, people need more and more liberty to address it. What people have not thought today people tomorrow may think and fight for that? For instance, same sex marriage is unreal and unnatural demand in Nepal for now but in the USA it is the main streaming democratic issue in every election. As time passes the issues will be changing too. However, the need for unity and cooperation of people in constant manner for more democratic rights and national unity will not diminish.