We have seen herds of Gazans chaotically conglomerate along Israel’s security fence with Gaza. They burn tires, yell slogans of hatred, damage surveillance equipment, try to cut the fence, or climb over it. They use any method to try to make Israeli security forces react. They even used fire bomb balloons and kites, the latest Gazan warfare tools.
In the past two months, the media reported extensive ‘peaceful protests’ along Israel’s security fence. During those ‘peaceful protests,’ Gazans used fire bomb kites and balloons to burn a valuable nature reserve. They also caused huge harm to Israel’s honey industry. None of their protests were peaceful.
In 2005, Ariel Sharon and Israel’s government surrendered the Gaza Strip to the Arabs, without preconditions. It was a heartbreaking expulsion of Jews from Gush Katif.
The Israeli-Jews’ lush and productive farms, which provided produce to millions of people, state of the art irrigation technology, and modern and updated gardening tools and equipment were purchased by two Jewish American philanthropists, for $14 million. They gave all of it to the local Arabs to use and produce, after the Israelis left the area.

In response to their claim for “independence,” the Arabs destroyed all the farms and equipment that was left behind, fully paid for. The lovely red tiled-roof homes in which Jews lived for three decades, were all rendered useless as soon as the Israelis vacated. And Gaza was taken over by terrorists. The terrorists drove the population into “hate Israel” indoctrination, chaos, shortages of all things, and dismal conditions. Furthermore, rockets began to be launched and fired. The rockets have continued ever since, into Israeli population centers, as far as Tel Aviv.
For 12 centuries, since its Muslim conquest, conditions in Gaza have been brutal. In the book “Land of Dust: Palestine at the Turn of the Century” by the late Middle East Scholar Saul S. Friedman, the author describes Gaza:
“Gaza itself, the city of Samson’s torment, proved to be a place of straggling and mean appearance, where 35,000 residents lived in the meanest and most sordid way … The people lived in squalid hovels … their veiled women drew water from brackish wells. And many of the adult males supported themselves by theft or smuggling to the bazaars of Jerusalem.”
It is relevant to note that it is very clear now the Gazans like to live the way they do, past and present. If not, they would have not elected terrorists – Hamas – to rule over them and would have lifted off the yoke of suffering in which they exist. They had many opportunities, but they didn’t take any of them. Is it possible the pathetic living conditions of the Gazans is in their genes and choices, and has nothing to do with their outcry for help.
The outcry for ‘help’ we hear from Gaza means two things:
1/ to put the onus of the “Gazan suffering” on Israel and thus dehumanize and delegitimize Israel, and
2/ for Hamas to get the world’s attention, and funds, so they can use these funds to smuggle arms into the Strip, with which they can attack Israel.
Do not cry for thy Gaza.