On the 14th of August 2011, Israel National News published an article, ‘Humanitarian Crisis: Gaza Exporting Aid! – If the Gazan ‘humanitarian crisis’ has grown so deep how come its residents are now exporting aid to Somalia?
The tender, caring folks of the world insist on comparing Gaza to Warsaw Ghetto. Well, didn’t the Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto take up collections to aid their impoverished brethren in other war zones? This comparison should have the world rolling on their sides in derisive laughter. But no, they really feel the need to break the Israeli blockade on Gaza and end the non-existing “humanitarian disaster” there. The state of health, rate of infant mortality and longevity are better in the Gaza Strip than in Turkey, which is the sponsor and patron of the “aid flotillas” to Gaza. What a farce! What a Machiavellian joke.
The problem is not with the anti-Semitic world that is hunting Jews, rather with the state of Israel, because Israel does not make her case right and clear, never did.
Some truth is unfolding right in front of our eyes.
A great number of Arab claims to falsehood and crisis are about to implode.
Gaza has been revealed to be prosperous, not a “Ghetto.”
The Israeli Left [unJews], cheerleading and aiding and abetting the Arab’s deception and their goal to destroy Israel are gradually ending their cycle in Eretz Israel; just as their “Gaza unilateral disengagement first” process has imploded.
Their conspiracies to govern Israel without true mandates are ending. Even Shimon Peres was slapped down after he was caught conducting secret negotiations with Mahmoud Abbas with no mandate. Sadly, this is Peres’ notorious standard procedure with “negotiating” the Oslo Accords as the feather in the cap of his ongoing unmandated conduct.
The “peace process,” ala Oslo Accords has abrogated itself, long ago. But it is now crystal clear that it was Israel, and Israel alone to have put any weight – and hope – on this agreement that became worthless the very same day when the first suicide bomber blew himself up in Israel – the second intifada [an Arabic word that translates into English as “uprising”] – taking with him the lives of innocent Israelis, just because the Arabs’ mindset is that they are mandated, by their ‘God’, to kill Jews.
The Second Intifada, also known as the Al-Aqsa Intifada, and the Oslo War, was the second Arab uprising, a period of intensified Arab violence, which began in late September 2000, seven years after the Oslo Accords were signed. The death toll to Israel is over 1100 Israelis, yet Israel still, today, talks about achieving “peace.” Peace with whom? With the devil?
By using this political artifact the pro-Oslo camp were unable to destroy the advent of a real Jewish State.
The present “social protests” in Israel, most of it is the Left’s alternative plan to sabotage the state, this after they have failed at this goal along the Oslo “peace process”, is also fading away even if their talking heads continue to “report” on it.
These protests amassed, at their peak, enough “protesters”, using huge funds from overseas donor states and others, to possibly elect, in any future election, about three Members of Knesset to work for them. Today the Left holds on to enough numbers that would possibly elect them two Members of Knesset.
In two months Israel will begin production drilling of natural gas and production for consumption will start in mid 2012. Crude Oil will start flowing later, probably before November 2012.
Sadly, Israel is so damned careful about pussyfooting “diplomatically” that she ends up looking like someone with a guilty conscience. The time is now to tell the unvarnished truth, right between the eyes.