In 2000 Ehud Barak saw fit to evacuate Israel’s buffer zone in Lebanon and thus made room for Iran’s proxy terrorist organization Hezbollah to deploy untold number of rockets into that territory. South Lebanon become a daily threat for the north of Israel’s security.
In 2005, former prime minister Ariel Sharon, under false promises to the nation, expelled over 8,000 Jews from their homes and has broken the Israeli nation’s heart. Immediately after the expulsion and the destruction of Gush Katif, Gaza became a terrorist enclave, growing stronger and well armed.
With it, the entire south of Israel was put under daily threat of terrorism and rockets’ rain. Ariel Sharon thoughtless expulsion-“disengagement’ move has advanced the Arabs’ terrorism cause. Israel is at war in the south.
Much was written about Israel’s “unilateral disengagement” from the Gaza Strip. It appeared as if Israel should have learned that land for peace brings more war and erodes national security. The facts stand brightly clear even in the face of a semi blind person.
It is expected of an intelligent nation to think matters through. Since the state of Israel is a democracy, it is expected of intelligent people to elect an intelligent and thinking-through government to represent them. However, this is not the case of one Israeli government after another. Each prime minister who comes to power appears to have made as many mistaken concessions possible to the Arabs for no apparent reasons and none ended with good results for Israel. These leaders appear to be under a spell of some sort and their brain gives in or gives up.
If one Gush Katif was not enough, Bibi and his gang of inapt politicians are up to no good again; their eyes are focused on Judea and Samaria where 350,000 Jews reside. They have a covert plan they are not sharing with the nation. Seemingly they are going to, again, destroy homes of Jews, make Jews homeless and please the hearts and minds of Israel’s enemies.
The world gets utmost pleasure from seeing Jews making other Jews’ life miserable. This way no one can blame them for anti-Semitism and hate of Israel; they say, how lucky are we that Jews are doing a good job on our behalf.
The expulsion of Jews from Gaza divided the Israeli nation and today it has taken a second round. Prime Minister Netanyahu managed to bait the majority of his law makers to vote against the Regulation Law bill that would have prevented further demolition of Jewish homes in Judea and Samaria. A storm of another expulsion, to whatever extent, is gathering and the fear and apprehension is mounting.
What has the government of Israel been doing and is doing?
On one hand they have been pulling the rug from under the Jews who settled in Yamit, Sinai, Gush Katif, Gaza, and Judea and Samaria, and on the other hand they have been permitting new construction to take place. What Benjamin Netanyahu promised to his supporters in order to get their vote it to make up to his destruction; he will instruct that homes due to be razed in the Ulpana neighborhood in Beit El will be re-built elsewhere, without giving the exact location, meaning leaving a promise to be a promise only. And how many times have we seen the government of Israel really honoring its promises?
It was Netanyahu’s sleight of hand only a genius could have come up with and execute. Time magazine has deemed Netanyahu as a “king’ and up until yesterday it seemed as if he would have deserted the throne. Today he proved that his claim to power is well deserved. Not only is he powerful, but he maybe even the shrewdest person in the world. Just like God, “God giveth, God taketh away, blessed be God’s name.
I am the first to admit that when it comes to Israeli politics, I am a babe in the woods. Israeli politics is far more complicated than that the one in the USA. Perhaps if the USA and other countries would keep their noses out of Israel affairs, I, and many others, could understand much more of the political web of Israel that much of it simply makes no sense.
It is going to be a very hot summer.
Will Iran have free hand to acquire nuclear weapons?
Will the invaders from Africa continue to arrive and with the help from Egypt walk the track to destroy Israel demographically?
What will the destruction of Ulpana, Migron and other communities in Judea and Samaria do to the morale of the nation?
Is the unity government going to disunite?
Will Israel be able to escape the clutches of all sort of Quislings from within and from without?
Who, in Israel, is for the survival of the state and who is not?
Where is it all heading?
Israel seems to capitulate to any tiny pressure; prisoners’ pressure, Arabs and Peace Now with false claims pressure, the Supreme Court wrongful verdicts’ pressure, to name a few.
Confidence in leadership who appear to be running around with their head chopped off is hard to gain.
Ariel Sharon lost the Gush Katif referendum, in a large margin, and still destroyed dozens of Jewish communities and made thousands of Jews, who till today are still abandoned, into refugees. Is that what is on Netanyahu’s agenda?
All independent surveys supported stopping Sharon’s “disengagement” plan. And so what? Sharon, Shimon Peres, Haim Ramon, Gideon Ezra, Ehud Olmert, Tzipi Livni, et al could have cared less, they went for it!
Do we need to draw similarities in the Peresyahu plans and their time line to conduct a MEGA DESTRUCTION of Jewish communities?
Do we identify most of the Israeli law makers acting as basket cases?
I do not believe Netanyahu’s promises. He will not build in lieu of his order to destroy. He already started shredding every bit of Jewish Heritage by abandoning Hebron and he will continue.
I keep on wondering what will it take for us, Jews, to really UNDERSTAND reality? In Israel and abroad.
We elect to govern the worst possible enemies we can find, everywhere, not just Israel!
Thousands of articles were written; millions of words analyzed, ad nauseam, every angle, known or unknown, of the situation. All of which is sent and re-sent, over and over again, to what outcome? Jews vote idiotically, like zombies and elect people who do not have their back. And they do it over and over again.
The same people who betrayed the Israeli nation during the Gaza expulsion-“disengagement” are still in the government to mislead. They LIE as a way of life and the people buy. Why?
Why do people in Israel still gyrate to these inapt politicians’ music rather than begin supporting grassroots groups who, if given minimal support, will raze the political scum floating in Israel and then re-format the whole political system, this so rotten “combina.”
It appears that Israelis, when it comes to politics, are dysfunctional and are unable to be a people with self respect and standing power.
Repeating awful errors should not be the option of even one Israeli.