The Internet world and a direct mail campaign have been posting stories of embryo donation adoption across America. A new media campaign that has begun two months ago showed three educational videos that explain the amazing procedure of donating already developing embryos to couples that can’t have children biologically.
This is part of an ongoing public awareness campaign led by Nightlight Christian Adoptions (Nightlight) that is under a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
The three videos — “Making Dreams Come True,” “Thank You,” and “Where Do Frozen Embryos Come From?” — can be seen on YouTube, Facebook, and MySpace. But they can also be found online at through clicking the Video Encouragement section.
Since March, 587 fertility clinics have been given an invitation to watch the videos from a direct mail piece — resulting in inquiries from several about developing their own embryo donation programs. An estimated of 1,200 adoption agencies were invited to go there and see the videos. This concludes requests for more about embryo donation and adoption to share with their clients, and requests to be included to the list of service providers on
Last, an earlier distribution to over 1,000 email addresses led to a massive progressive distribution of the videos going online, as recipients were invited to spread the word to at least five of their personal email contacts.
“The results from using new media to spread the word about this amazing option for families is nothing short of incredible” states Nightlight’s Kimberly Tyson. “We plan to keep spreading the word until embryo donation and adoption becomes a household name.”
However, this practice is relatively in the States. Through its Snowflakes program, Nightlight discovered that 165 babies have been born since 1997 — and that’s just the beginning. Still, there is an estimation of half a million stored frozen embryos that are stored across America and massively more are being donated for adoption every month.
Source: Christian Newswire
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