The Book of American Idol: II David – David Archuleta

Being the youngest contestant of American Idol is “cool” for David Archuleta, who just made it to the Top 5. “You can be young and go far” he stated. However, being under 21 is also “weird” because most of the contestants are 21 years of age and over. Still, when it comes to fan support, it is both. “Why are they screaming at me?” he asks himself. Why, David?

“He’s so sweet. He makes me laugh” answers Tiffany,13 on the Idol comments. “His laugh is so cute. I really hope he wins. He’s my favorite!!!”

David is predicted to be this season’s newest American Idol, with the odds of winning is 5-6.

But the young, budding performer tries to stay grounded — for his experience is different due to trying to have a normal life. “I have school everyday, so I guess that kind of changes it ’cause no one else has to do that. It’s nice to think about other things and get distracted when you might be worried about other things.”

And he is thankful for his fans supporting him and that they continue doing it.

“Just keep on rooting for me” David said. “I’m really glad for that, and I really appreciate all the fan mail, too. It’s really hard to respond back, but I make sure I read every single one.”

We should all applaud Archuleta for keeping up with his school work while giving the best performances he can. Not only is he an American Idol but he is a scholastic idol.

Garrett Godwin
Garrett Godwin is an entertainment journalist, who writes for NewsBlaze about television and people in the entertainment industry, from his home state of Michigan. Contact Garrett by writing to NewsBlaze.