The Getty Villa and Getty Center: Los Angeles Art in Review

The Getty Villa and Getty Center are featured for Los Angeles’ Art in Review here exclusively for NewsBlaze, as follows.

Hollywood Sentinel features only the good news, and comes out weekly, with at times daily breaking news covering all areas of the arts. It is emailed directly to the offices of every star in its pages. Next week, MO is discussed (as seen below) in the Music’s Greatest series. Hollywood Sentinel gives here an art museum review, exclusively for NewsBlaze dot com, discussing one of LA’s greatest art museums’ The Getty Villa and the Getty Center.

The Getty Villa

A visit to the Getty Villa offers visitors an unique and unforgettable experience of seeing ancient Greek and Roman art in a filmic setting that recreates a first-century Roman villa.

Home to the J. Paul Getty Museum’s antiquities collection, the impressive two-floor museum displays art that spans the 7,000 years from the end of the Stone Age to the fall of the Roman empire.

The Getty Center

The massive collection of the sprawling and magnificent J. Paul Getty Museum at the Getty Center includes stunning pre-20th-century European paintings, drawings, illuminated manuscripts, sculpture, and decorative arts; 19th- and 20th-century American, European, and Asian photographs; outstanding contemporary and modern sculpture; and Robert Irwin’s beautiful and romantic large Central Garden, designed specifically for the Getty Center.

Listen to the brief general review of both museums here below:

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