Three Rhinos Killed in Assam in Within 24 Hours


Poachers killed three one-horned rhinos in Assam’s Kaziranga and Orang National Parks in the past 24 hours and fled with the horns, officials said.

After two rhinos were poached in Kaziranga and Orang on Wednesday, poachers then killed another rhino in Kaziranga on Thursday.

That third incident took place in the Srilanka Tapu area under Northern range in the national park.

“Forest guards found a dehorned bullet-injured rhino carcass inside the park,” a top official of the park said.

In 2013, Assam lost 41 Rhinos to poachers,including one lost on the final day of the year, in Manas National Park. See Rhino Horns Still Attracting Poachers: Assam Lost 41 Rhinos in 2013

Later, Sushanta Roy reported that the Poacher of Rhino Horn Was Arrested in Assam

There are four parks in the area, Kaziranga National Park, Pobitora wildlife sanctuary, Orang National Park and Manas National Park.

Hemanta Kumar Nath
Hemanta Kumar Nath
Hemanta Kumar Nath is a correspondent in Assam, India, who reports on local news in Assam, the north east Indian state.

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