Karbi Anglong is considered one of the states drugs porn areas chiefly due to the feeble law and order situation and lenient approach by the society against abuse of narcotic substances.
Drugs are the scourge of neighbouring state like Nagaland and unbridled supply of ban narcotics from states like Bihar, West Bangle, Uttar Pradesh as well through peddlers and some time through licensed dealers. Dangerous drug like heroin, brown sugar are routed through Manipur and Nagaland from Myanmar and nations closed to infamous golden triangle.
Quoting the source of government of India controlled voluntary organization ‘Gold,’ a local vernacular daily, has published from Diphu has reported that out of 3000 drug addicts of Assam 300 are from Diphu town alone. Maximum among the addicts are school children and belongs to well-off and patrician category.
According to Gold’s report children’s from 6th standards are indulging in addiction. Increasing drop outs from the school level due to addiction has become a cause of concern, particularly when the school children are forced to drugs addiction by college students. The report has also revealed that, school and college goers rob houses to buy drugs.
Various NGO and social organizations have urged the police and administration to ban the selling of drugs in the district and thwart all type of trade in narcotic.
Although situation in this tribal district of Assam has not reached alarming situation like Punjab or Bihar but the addiction is creeping steadfastly among the youths especially among the school goers.
“If the situation is not controlled drastically now soon it may become an epidemic,” said a senior police officer.
Karbi Anglong from being the producer of sports, particularly in the talent of martial arts is gradually swallowed up with assortment of drugs. An intolerance and swing towards extremist activity is shaping up among the youths; easy accessibility of different psychotropic and narcotic drugs has become a state-wide problem as well.