The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) held its 13th summit in Istanbul this week. The OIC Summit, in its final declaration condemned Iran for its support of terrorism and interference in other states.
The declaration condemned “Iran’s interference in internal affairs of the regional states and other Islamic countries” and also Iran’s “continued support for terrorism.”
The Iranian Resistance issued a statement after the conference ended. It welcomed the condemnation as a necessary and positive step to confront the fundamentalism and terrorism that has drawn the region into a crisis.
The Iranian Resistance added a note of caution, saying that past experience has shown that a firm and comprehensive approach is needed to push back Iran’s “crisis-stricken anti-Islam regime from its aggressive policies.”
As is often the case, the OIC summit ended with optimism but without a plan of action to achieve its goals.
The Iranian Resistance wants to see the OIC’s statements followed up with at least three actions relating to Iran. The first action should be the expulsion of the Iranian regime from the OIC. Second, OIC should grant the empty seat to the Iranian people and Resistance. Third, OIC should support the desire of the Iranian people to overthrow the current regime.

OIC Summit Condemns Hezbollah
The OIC summit also noted that Hezbollah, a terrorist organization in Lebanon, whose strings are pulled by Iran, is another cause of instability in the Middle East. The declaration “condemned Hezbollah and its terrorist acts in the region and its support for terrorist groups and parties that has destabilized the security and tranquility of the OIC member states.”
This declaration was issued despite Iran’s representatives Rouhani, the regime’s president, Javad Zarif, foreign minister, and other officials of the mullahs’ regime trying to delete those phrases from the final declaration.
Iran failed to coerce the other members.
The other countries stood firm, and Rouhani, disgraced, did not take part in the OIC final meeting.
The Iranian resistance said this new stance at the OIC is a clear indication the people and states in the region and throughout the Islamic world have had enough of the religious fascism ruling Iran. Countries in the region are tired of Iran’s constant use of exporting terrorism and fundamentalism to maintain its own survival, to the detriment of everyone else.
In recent months, Iran was publicly shamed into the forced withdrawal from their nuclear bomb program, and social and economic crises and domestic conflicts. The ruling mullahs, flush with the money released to them by the Obama administration, have continued their encroachment on other states in the region, in an attempt to delay their inevitable overthrow.
Iran had a chance to contribute positively to the region and the world, but chose to continue its evil ways, to prop itself up.
Now the OIC has stood up to Iran, only time will tell if they have the strength to make it last.