A major gathering of Iranians and their international supporters, is taking place in Paris, France. Hundreds of senior political dignitaries, parliamentarians, human rights and women’s rights activists and religious leaders from the United States, Europe, and Islamic countries will be there. The title of the event is “Iran: Prospects for change one year after the nuclear agreement.” The threat of Islamic Extremism is increasing.
Contrary to earlier assessments, a year after the nuclear deal between the P5+1 countries and Iran’s clerical regime, Tehran’s belligerence in the region has become more widespread, the human rights situation in Iran has deteriorated and the regime has become ever more closed and introverted.
Watch a 3-minute clip about this year’s event with highlights from a similar event last year:
Threat of Islamic Extremism
Some facts are telling:
- The human rights situation in Iran is worsening, and 2015 witnessed the highest number of executions in the past 25 years.
- While Islamic extremism and the terrorism emanating from it recognize no borders and bounds, the Iranian regime is institutionally sowing discord in the region especially in Syria and is continuing to export Islamic fundamentalism.
- Tehran continues to test ballistic missiles in flagrant violation of UN Security Council Resolution 2231.
- The harsh economic and social situation inside Iran has not improved, and protests by various strata of society have increased.
- The infighting among the ruling factions have reached unprecedented levels and intensity.
- Following the selection of Ahmad Jannati, 90 – who already headed the Guardian Council and is a staunch loyalist of the regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei – as the head of the Assembly of Experts, he now heads two key bodies, which shows that elections under this regime are meaningless and the regime’s choices are evermore limited.
The big question is what is the direction of the turbulent situation in Iran and where is Iran heading? The outcome of these developments and the future of the Iranian regime will have a huge strategic impact on the entire region – a fact that has triggered serious debate in the West.
Meeting in Paris
This event is scheduled to address this and other pertinent questions and to offer solutions.
Paris (Bourget), July 9, 2016
“All for Freedom”
Our message: Regime Change