Israel Ceasefire With Hamas, a Myopic Event


According to rationality, the ceasefire with Hamas is a mistake.

In Israel, they live in the now. It is clear from previous events, such as the evacuation of Gush Katif and the disengagement from Gaza, that its fate is etched in the behavior of the State of Israel.

With all the pain and the kidnapping of civilians to the hellhole called Hamas’ Gaza, the national pain blocks the possibility of looking a step forward. The people’s demand is to deal with the return of the kidnapped now and tomorrow will be whatever will be.

Ceasefire with Hamas Demands

Even the Americans who were present at the ceasefire deal discussions claimed that it was not only Benjamin Netanyahu who wanted to see all the kidnapped hostages released. The street in Israel also demanded their release, which is why the Americans put some pressure for a “deal,” but most of all the pressure came from Israel itself.

A deal at any price, the street in Israel cried out; and now when there is a deal, they cry out, we can’t believe what a bad deal Israel got into. Decide already, which is which!

The way Israel makes decisions is myopic. In Israel, they are unable to discern clear future harm; they only see vague future harm.

In this context, one can look at the enforcement of the disengagement of Gush Katif from Gaza. The future aspect was vague and the consequences of this disengagement actually helped bring about the disaster of October 7, 2023.

In this current ceasefire deal, compared to the concrete people that the State of Israel is about to save, exposed is the irrationality.

The people of Israel are governed by their emotions that are rational if we take into account the justified principles of returning the hostages. But, in proportion to the number of terrorists released against the number of hostages released, this move is, quite literally, insane.

Rationality is a mistake. But, when you run a country that is apparently rational but has political forces and international pressures, sometimes you have to take that into account.

The release of the hostages, which is one of the set goals of the war with Hamas, will bring great joy and immediate relief to some citizens. But, in the long term, this deal is a grave mistake for the State of Israel. The State of Israel can no longer afford seven years of calm, as it lived by for decades, between one flareup of the conflict to another.

And if we take into account the political right in Israel, its members have always warned against a myopic mentality and the severity of its consequences, the political left turned a blind eye to those warnings. They closed their eyes and plugged their ears and brought upon Israel the disastrous Oslo Accords, the establishment of the Palestinian Authority (PA) that terrorizes Israel on a daily basis, the “victims of the peace process” and, in effect, being a captive of the system of “konseptziya”-conception that led to October 7.

Netanyahu reflects where the people he leads are.

Now, Netanyahu’s test will be to enter Gaza again, and with all the military might; to accomplish the designated war’s goals, one of which is to end the existence of Hamas.

And this is on what the bet rests. That Hamas sooner, rather than later, violates the ceasefire, during the first or second or third phase of the agreement, or somewhere in between the phases.

In this case, Israel must be on the height of guard to watch and recognize any violation of the ceasefire and at that moment, the ceasefire ends and for good! The hell opens up on Hamas.

In this time, it is the beginning of a 42-day ceasefire phase-one period that could turn out to be a terrible emotional roller coaster for the state of Israel.

Hamas and the Ceasefire Deal

Let’s talk about the hypocritical Hamas and the ceasefire deal.

Hamas means modern Nazis; and Nazis will remain Nazis.

Absurdly, the realistic expectation from Hamas is that they will always try to fulfill their irrational purpose of existence, which is essentially the destruction of the State of Israel and its inhabitants.

Ergo, the bewilderment and with it the anger towards the actions of the idiots, cowards, lazy thinkers of herd mentality who turn a blind eye to the consequences of Hamas’ actions.

Freeing live hostages is perfectly acceptable; but any deal that includes an agreement to exchange the bodies of murdered hostages with live terrorists is blatant coarse behavior.

And here the responsibility must be directed towards those in Israeli society who support this deal: the Israeli government and the decision-makers, the media and the security establishment who agreed to turn the bodies of Jews – children, soldiers women and men – into tradable human currency, which the damned Nazis, the fathers of the Holocaust, did not do.

And beyond this basic injustice from which this deal screams, it must be said that anyone who agrees to release terrorist-murderers in exchange for the bodies of innocent Jews, he/she is immoral, anti-moral, and a criminal.

And above all, this deal creates terrible incentives in everything that concerns initiating terrorist acts against Jews and kidnapping alive and bodies of Jews to keep them as hostages, as well as and other crimes, all are suicidal folly.

The fact that so many people support a deal that initially saves only about 20 people and yet sacrifices weighty national interests, along with the expected death of perhaps hundreds who are still anonymous – is a moment of low in the history of any nation, in this case Israel.

The gamble is will there be a second phase to this ceasefire deal?

Hamas parading in Gaza, January 19, 2025. Same white pickup trucks, same masked terrorists, same jubilee for the release of terrorists, same scenes that remind us of October 7, 2023. What was really achieved, not even deterrence? Screenshot from Hamas video
Hamas parading in Gaza, January 19, 2025. Same white pickup trucks, same masked terrorists, same jubilee for the release of terrorists, same scenes that remind us of October 7, 2023. What was really achieved, not even deterrence? Screenshot from Hamas video

Hamas parading in Gaza, January 19, 2025. Same white pickup trucks, same masked terrorists, same jubilee for the release of terrorists, same scenes that remind us of October 7, 2023. What was really achieved, not even deterrence?

Historical Proof and Reality

The deal should not be seen as holy stupidity or human weakness, and there is no ‘dilemma’ whatsoever here.

And the proof: No other country in human history has ever agreed to such a deal or one similar to it. No other country has thrown away, or forgotten, all moral rationality.

To a certain extent, it turns out that it is easy to hide behind the crowd of meaningless slogans like “there is no choice” or “it is impossible to look into the eyes of the relatives of the kidnapped that we know or do not know.”

But in the end, one must live with reality: those who are willing to sacrifice many anonymous lives today – in the future – in exchange for a momentary and immediate release are committing the most anti-moral act that exists.

That makes the approval of this deal more than horrifying; and if one rises above the series of details, in the heart of the October 7, 2023 massacre, it involved reckless risk management.

In the name of the uncontrollable desire to turn a blind eye and myopia to reject risks and the interest that will be paid for it, the decision-makers and supporters agreed to put the entire people of Israel under the roof of an illegitimate life risk.

This is true of the abandonment of the border perimeter, the disengagement from northern Samaria and Gaza, the knock-on-the-roof policy, and the financing and supplying of Hamas throughout the war, and everything else that is still stashed in the “surprise-goodies” bag.

And behind the justification for the deal are the clichés, “Shhh, it’s fine. Everything is okay,” “You can take this risk,” “Don’t bother with this now.”

Look Ahead

Some say maybe, and there are a few maybes’. Maybe tomorrow everything will change; maybe what was will not be; maybe only a quarter of the terrorists who are released will return to murdering Jews, and maybe Israel will simply be able to return to the war from the same point where it was stopped, only this time without its friends sticking their nails in the wheels of war. It’s all just a bunch of nonsense maybe.

What Should Have Been Learned From October 7th

The main conclusion from October 7th is not to agree to take reckless risks like those taken in the past.

Not to put Israel into a security deficit that the future victims, now anonymous, will pay for with compound interest.

And if a little over a year after the murder, rape, captivity and destruction, Israeli society is not willing to apply such a basic lesson, we can say that the chances are slim of surviving in freedom, peace, and prosperity in this murderous neighborhood.

And what is even more frustrating is the fact that no country in the world has acted, is acting, or will act with such suicidal madness.

3 women hostages released in ceasefire with hamas. CC screenshot from I24 video
3 women released in ceasefire with hamas, back home from 471 days captivity in the hands of terror group Hamas in Gaza. CC screenshot from I24 video

We Must Step Outside the Box and Say

In fact, Israel can continue on the same path, based on the same basic assumptions, guided by the same ‘pundits’ and the same commentators in the studios. They can continue to base their decisions, actions and reports on the same distorted norms, while having a discussion based on the same slogans.

Because so far, Israel has succeeded so well in the field of surrendering to terror. And this can no longer be denied.

Israel’s Contribution to the Kidnapping of Jews

Israel, by its behavior, has proven that the field of surrendering to the kidnapping of Jews is a profitable industry that has produced false and inconclusive virtue signaling and there will always be more kidnapped.

A moral act creates moral incentives. Agreeing to promote an incentive mechanism that actually encourages, almost forces a collective of bloodthirsty Nazis to kidnap and hold your children, your elders, your wives and your dead bodies as hostages, is a horrific act, anti-moral on an incomprehensible level.

It is a “morality” that has no moral value to import a terrorist gang – Arafat and his band of terrorists – to give them your own state’s territory, arm them and live with their suicide attacks, almost every other day, in the heart of the land of the State of Israel.

It is a “morality” that has no moral value to lightheaded myopically withdraw from the Gaza Strip – the evacuation of Gush Katif – and thus remain voluntarily without any intelligence and control on the ground, while the politicization of the Israeli legal system becomes a political actor with a tendency to protect the enemy.

It is a “morality” that has no moral value to hear calls to weaken the army, accompanied by public campaigns of refusal to perform compulsory or voluntary military reserve.

For all this and more, Israel is paying and will pay with compound interest, whether in the short or longer term.

The Political-Left Cartwheel

It turns out that there are already leftists who are beginning to “understand” that the deal at all costs that they encouraged and screamed to accomplish carries with it a bloody price.

Did the shouts that stuck to the mantras and slogans such as, “There is no choice,” “Bibi must go,” “Without this, we cannot look ourselves in the eye,” and “What if it was your son or daughter,” lead to the desired result? Were they based on an acceptable result?

Can it be said that the entire military operation, of magnificent appearance, has become a promo for another agreement of only a state of calm with the Nazis – Nazi-Hamas and Nazi Fatah, the leading political faction of the Palestinian Authority (PA)? An agreement that is based on the sarcastic declaration that gives the right, sanctified by the cry of “Allahu Akbar,” to murder Jews?

The PA and the terrorist Jenin Brigades are connected to each other at the umbilical cord of resistance to the occupation terrorism.

A Deal Contrary to the Constitution of the State of Israel

A deal to release terrorists and murderers is in complete contradiction to the laws of the State of Israel.

Article 8B of the Government Constitution states, in accordance with Article 30B of the Parole Law, that it is prohibited to include in a decision to release a person convicted of murder if the court has determined that that person committed the crime “under exceptional circumstances of gravity” (murder as a terrorism act)

For example, the murderer Raed Khalil, also known as Raed Masalmeh, a father of five from a village near Hebron. In 2015, this scumbag Khalil roamed the Panorama building in Tel Aviv looking for Jews to murder. In the end, Khalil murdered two Jews, outside a prayer room, the late Reuven Aviram, 51, and the late Aharon Yesiav, 32, and attempted to murder and wound others during his terror spree.

Since the court defined the circumstances as “exceptional circumstances in their gravity,” and since he appears on the list of terrorists to be released in the current ceasefire deal, his release is prohibited and against the law.

Due to this law the terrorist Raed Khalil will not be released in the present tense ceasefire deal.

The “Choose Life” Forum in Israel has updated the High Court of Justice on the 2014 law that states that a murderer cannot be released due to “exceptional circumstances in his/her crime gravity.” The government will be asked to approve, and he will continue to serve the two life sentences.

The simple logic is that whoever slaughters and laughs at this act must spend the rest of his life within the walls of prison and will not be forgiven.

Update on the Next Raped, Murdered, and Kidnapped

There remains the issue of capital punishment for convicted murderers that for some reason the Israeli government cannot make a decision on and make it the law of the land.

Therefore, the prison cells in Israel are full of terrorists, with blood on their hands, who are waiting for the opportunity to be released in exchange for Israeli hostages. And if they are released, they will go out to work again, looking for Jews to murder, or kidnap, as a recipe for the release of other terrorists from an Israeli prison in exchange for more kidnapped Jews.

It is a vicious cycle that will never end.

Prayer Is Needed Now

The nation of Israel’s ethos is to value life, any life, and thus they will be celebrating the return of the living hostages, three released today. Sadly, very soon they will bump into the reality that some of the hostages are no longer among the living. They will be returning home for their eternal rest.

After all this writing, all that is left is to call on the Almighty to send his angels to help us navigate in this whirlpool of confusion and lack of moral clarity. And for us, to pray like never before for the people of Israel, its leaders, and its military’s strength and their deliverance of hope.

Nurit Greenger
Nurit Greenger
During the 2006 second Lebanon War, Nurit Greenger, referenced then as the "Accidental Reporter" felt compelled to become an activist. Being an 'out-of-the-box thinker, Nurit is a passionately committed advocate for Jews, Israel, the United States, and the Free World in general. From Southern California, Nurit serves as a "one-woman Hasbarah army" for Israel who believes that if you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything.

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