With the start of the 70th annual United Nations General Assembly in New York, world leaders gather to discuss urgent crises across the globe. Numerous rights organizations have reported atrocious figures of executions taking place in Iran.
At the current pace of hangings and all other kinds of executions in Iran, Hassan Rouhani is set to exceed 1,000 executions in 2015 and this is far surpassing the final tally of executions recorded in 2014 by Amnesty International.
And it doesn’t end here. Inhumane and degrading punishments such as gouging out eyes and even amputating limbs are on the rise. Seeing such images makes one wonder are we actually living in the 21st century? While for the past 2 years, everyone has been screaming ISIS, we shouldn’t forget that the Iranian regime has been committing such horrific crimes, and even worse, for nearly four decades now.

Political dissidents are one of the main targets of the regime’s brutality inside and outside Iran. One such example was Ghomareza Khosravi who was executed merely for providing financial assistance to a TV network (INTV) supporting the opposition (PMOI) voice in Iran. Such networks and such voices are striving to safeguard the rights of Iran’s numerous minority groups sidelined and heavily attacked by the Iranian regime’s repressive forces.
Women and ethnic or religious minorities have always been the first targets, and the executions of these minorities have also increased significantly in recent months and years.
US, EU Do Not Care About Human Rights
All this said and done, why are the US and EU sitting by and not raising their voices about these atrocities in Iran? It is as if the West, while boasting of democracy and human rights, could care less about what happens to the Iranian people and the only important subject on their mind is their short-term economic interests.

Once again, the smell of dollars and euros are making even the most renowned world leaders shake hands with the ruthless dictators ruling Iran.
The irony is that American leaders promised a change in Iran’s mentality following the July 14th Vienna nuclear deal signed between the P5+1 and Tehran. However, with the mullahs launching further execution rampages, there is no change in sight. Tehran is actually viewing this nuclear agreement and receiving Rouhani in the UN General Assembly as a green light to further increase its crackdown inside Iran to cement a climate of fear amongst the population and quell any possible dissent.
Therefore, we are now witnessing the “Hallmark of Executions and Horrific Tortures in Iran” roaming in New York, and the free world shaking hands with the Godfather of Terrorism.