Improving Life and Connecting with Spirit in the Sacred Gardens

Everyone wants to improve their life, but many wait until the end of the year, during their New Years Resolution to try this, yet sadly miss the mark. What many don’t realize, is that one needn’t wait until the end of the year to change one’s life for the better. For those that do try, the changes they may want to occur often will never happen due to lack of knowledge, lack of motivation, or simply not starting.

A new cycle of life is here now. What will you do?

Daylight is getting shorter, nightfall is arriving sooner, and the leaves are changing color, as the world turns from one season to the next. Fall is indeed in the air, and for the ancients, this was the special time of shedding away bad habits and making way for the new, with progress, and evolving into a powerful new cycle.

in the Sacred Garden at

Today, in our busy, fast paced culture, most of us don’t have time to go off on a year long vision quest, to connect with our spirit, and find enlightenment. Fortunately, for today’s modern deep thinker who cares about age old questions including;

Who?am I? Why am I here? Why do I do the things that I do? How can I do better? What happens when I die? How can I connect with spirit? and more…

We can simply send an email or pick up the phone, and call the one and only Ifa Foundation of North America, who have devoted their lives full time to every single day, answering these and other age-old questions, to improve the lives and spirit of all who they kindly and generously open their gates to. And this fall, one can discover many mysteries of life and get help in many matters of their life in two and three powerful, legendary days. Witness:

October 22nd & 23rd – “The Ancestors & Ibeji”
and then…
November 13th-15th – “All about the Orisa”

These two events will be held inside the Sacred Orisa Gardens in Central FL.
The special details for each one are available by contacting Iyanifa Vassa at: [email protected] 1-800-906-4322.

Each is experiential. All the materials for the rituals and all organic meals are included. The temple can accommodate up to four guests inside the spacious, yet cozy retreat house. These are very private and nurturing, special events, only offered to a select special few people at a time. Thus, each person will have very guided and special attention. The Ifa Foundation states, “We take our time and get to know you and what has happened in your life so far and then prepare for what you need.”

Vassa adds, “There will be a special team of knowledgeable and caring Ifa Priests with you during the whole time you are with us…sharing and supporting you with great wisdom from their years of living in the matrix of Ifa.” Lastly, Vassa mentions, “There will also be an opportunity for you to come a day or two ahead of time or stay a day or two afterwards and have personal ceremonies of empowerment! Feel free to call and connect!”

Iyanifa Vassa & Oluwo Philip J. Neimark are founders of The Ifa Foundation of North America, The Ifa College, and The Sacred Orisa Gardens, in Crescent City, Florida, USA. For more information visit: and also

This content is copyright, 2016, Ifa Foundation International, all world rights reserved. The Ifa Foundation and affiliates do not make any medical claims herewith. All rights reserved.

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