In China, the New Year is celebrated in February, and each New Year is ascribed an animal that corresponds with the Chinese zodiac. 2013 is known as the year of The Snake, which is a favorable year. Ones zodiac is believed to directly relate in specific ways with each year.
Los Angeles has one of the largest Chinese populations in America, with what is referred to as Old Chinatown, just North of the downtown Los Angeles area, being the largest and most exciting. The streets of Chinatown in Los Angeles are filled with rows upon rows of outstanding, authentic Chinese restaurants, from fast food, to mid scale prices, to the finest in Chinese dining, with the freshest of food possible. Chinese medicine shops abound, with herbal doctors of medicine that amaze with their expertise in herbalism, acupuncture, and deep tissue massage, utilizing the yin and yang of the bodies energy of positive and negative energy flow.

Beautiful shops of plants, indigenous to China, pastries, paper dragons, Chinese lanterns, artful decorations, and more abound in the exiting square of Old Chinatown, which is, for those in this majestic land of California, one of the treasures of this magnificent city.
No Chinatown would be complete with out the ancient, beautiful, and powerful art known the world over that was born in China- the martial arts. From the Shaolin Temples of Ancient China, came the amazing art known as Kung Fu, the oldest and original of the martial arts. And while Los Angeles, as well as every great city has a handful of martial arts schools, it is no surprise, that Los Angeles- the great city of America, the second largest city in the United States in terms of population, and entertainment capitol of the world-has not only a martial arts school in Chinatown, it has what is recognized as the best school not only in the city of Los Angeles, but one of the best in the nation.
That school is Jin Wu Kung Fu, in the heart of Chinatown, and the school was welcomed by the City of Los Angeles and the Chinatown Chamber of Commerce to perform in front of tens of thousands of visitors to Chinatown last Saturday and Sunday for the welcoming of the Chinese New Year. While over one hundred thousand visitors reportedly packed the streets of Chinatown for the parade, it was the lucky ten or twenty percent of that crowd that were able to squeeze in to the square, to see the performances by Jin Wu Kung Fu, that experienced the biggest thrills.
The free show took place in Old Chinatown Central, at 943 North Broadway in Los Angeles, California, with two shows each on both Saturday February 16th, and two shows on Sunday, February 17th. I caught the final show at 3:30 on Sunday, and it was comparable to a standing room only performance by a massively popular rock band, with adults, children, and fans alike standing elbow to elbow. Children were fighting to squeeze between adults to try and shove to the front of the gated area to catch a better view. And then, the show began. The students of Jin Wu Kung Fu were truly amazing, doing mid air back flips, kicks, punches, weapon demonstrations with long swords, short swords, spears, and more. If you are fortunate enough to be in Los Angeles for Chinese New Year, by all means, go to this event, and get there early to see one of the coolest shows of the year.
The following video demonstrates a small piece of what the new fans of Jin Wu Kung Fu experienced:
What is even more amazing, is that not only is this art demonstrated with such mastery to the public by Jin Wu Kung Fu, but that the school is literally right in the heart of Chinatown, open to those fortunate enough accepted through their doors.
Those that want to be considered as students of what is recognized as the best martial arts school in the City of Los Angeles should e-mail jinwukungfula@yahoo.com or call
Telephone 626-628-6806.
For further information about the school, visit: http://www.jinwukungfu.com/
To see Master XJ perform, view the video here below:
This story is (c) 2013, all rights reserved. The office of The Hollywood Sentinel and Jin Wu Kung Fu do not endorse any advertising that may appear on this page or in connection with this story.
For press, media or performance bookings of Jin Wu Kung Fu, contact Starpower Management at 310-226-7176.