The Kara Nichols missing persons’ case is not what it appears to be. Especially, with regards to the way the media has portrayed it. This problem of a faulty portrayal or miscommunication, or inaccurate translation of what surface clues tell us, is not so much the fault of eager beaver media people getting it wrong, as it is a very clever criminal or criminal organization, who’s been running this escort ad with Kara Nichols’ photographs. Scratch everything you’ve seen or read on Kara Nichols’ case heretofore; return your carcass to the omniscient, efficacious drawing board.
I had to do some catching up on Kara Nichols’ disturbing circumstances, who disappeared October 9th, apparently in pursuit of a modeling job in Denver. I didn’t hear about her case until yesterday, so I soaked up a dozen or so articles on the internet and caught HLN’s Jane Velez Mitchell last night, who featured Kara Nichols as her lead story. Jane did a good job of reporting the ‘trick mirror investigation’ up to its current status, where a bit more clarity comes into play (while perhaps, not a great deal more).

Some relevant probes of the investigation are asking the right questions, while (nevertheless they’re) left empty handed, as to an answer. The whereabouts of Kara are unknown. What’s the identity of the two women Kara was with on October 9th? Well, detectives from the El Paso Sheriff’s Office have found and interviewed one of these women, the oriental one, I believe. Is she associated with the adult industry? This is my question; and how did she become acquainted with Kara in the first place? Let’s wait and see if detectives can find the other woman, and soon!
A top of the list mystery, is who ran the escort service ad with some of Kara’s modeling pictures? We’re hearing it has a Las Vegas connection. We’re also hearing the photos were simply purloined from the internet. Did Kara go to Nevada somehow, after that night in early October when she said she was chasing a lead for work in Denver? This is a good possibility! Why would this ‘shaky outfit’ think to use her photos, if they didn’t have some contact with Kara? There are millions of model pics on the internet to pick from.
The earth beneath our feet is most unstable. What to believe and what not to believe? I sense some very tricky masterminds are behind this charade. I’m not laughing; rather I’m groping for what’s real here. I’m scared from what I’m experiencing; the unsettling feelings I’m having about this sequence of events, where news is no news at all. Kara leaves behind her purse with her money. It doesn’t sound as if she intended to be gone very long? Her cell phone goes dead October 10th. Bad Juju. Trail is cold.
How sick are these people to run an ad with Kara’s pics? Are they sex traffickers? Do they reside in Las Vegas or is it somewhere else? Are they affiliated with some type of organized crime outfit? There are so many of these seedy outfits these days; they reside in every country, probably every state in our nation, I’ll add. Could it be one of the Mexican drug cartels who’s doing this? Yes it could, and you know it! Sickos, lots of sickness out there.
Is Kara Nichols still alive, we’d like to know? I won’t send you any links today, because all media posts require discounting. Moreover, you can take my piece with a grain of salt, since I make no claims at getting at the truth to what happened to Kara. Exploitation exists on all levels; we’re in a trick mirror room (such as they had when I was a kid walking around on the Texas State Fair Midway), and we can’t find our way to the exit! Once again, I’m not joking; this is the metaphor that comes to mind as my befuddlement compounds a thousand fold. Where are we, or better yet, where is Kara Nichols?