What I think about Fireproof the Movie

Comment on Fireproof Movie Review

Fireproof is an excellent movie. Is it perfect? Is anything perfect…no. Chubby firemen probably aren’t hired, but it’s a free country where we can make our own choices, good or bad. Seen any chubby cops? Do you think they were hired in that condition…no.

And as far as the apology about the hot sauce, the apology could have happened but why harp on such an insignificant part of this movie. If that became your focus then you missed the whole point.

Your whole article sounded very sarcastic. But that’s the way of the American society, right? Sarcasm and apathy. Everyone wants to complain and blame everyone else, but no one wants to do anything about it.

How about commending the guy for beating up his trash can instead of his wife!

See Fireproof related stories
Response To Fireproof Review
What I think About Fireproof
Ken Bevel Interview

How about commending them for approaching the situation without using profanity in every sentence? Profanity does not come from my mouth so why does Hollywood have to fill the screen with it?

That’s not real life. That’s life without accountability or responsibility.

See, you didn’t have to see the pornographic image to know the problem he was dealing with. Everything doesn’t have to be made obvious. People need to think for themselves, but Hollywood lays everything out on the table without apology.

Fireproof is a movie that will be brought in to my home and watched over and over again just like I have watched, ‘Facing the Giants’ more than half a dozen times since I bought it less than a year ago. It’s inspiring. There’s not much that comes from Hollywood that is fit for my home where I have been married for 20 years raising three beautiful children. I have some, but I’m very careful about what we choose.

Hollywood has progressively gotten more and more offensive and it happened gradually so that the public became desensitized to violence, profanity, crude humor and sexual scenes without even realizing it or thought its okay because everyone else is doing it.

Movies like ‘Facing the Giants’ and ‘Fireproof’ are like a breath of fresh air.

At least you’re honest in your movie review although your bias is obvious.


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