Letters To The Editor
Sad Stories, Happening Every Day in Iran
A few months ago I saw a notice on a street wall from someone selling kidneys, with their phone number on it. The note...
Slicing a Piece Deal of The Century
Reading the article "The 'Peace Deal of the Century' Resounding Failure," I could not just leave it unanswered.I am a Jew, a Zionist and...
Why Would A Green Party Engage in Anti-Semitism?
I can't imagine a reason for the Green Party to engage in antiSemitism. Under what rationale do you decide that a Palestinian state (which...
Jewish Voice for Peace Are At It Again
It seems the Jewish Voice for Peace people don't really know what they want. If they are really Jews, how can they threaten the...
Global Poverty as Important as Paris Climate Accord
To the editor,Recently, there has been much talk about global climate change and how Trump ended America's participation in the Paris Climate Accord. While...
To Have a Loud Say About Israel, Try Living in Sderot...
An article in the recent Jewish Journal by several people including Rabbi Laura Geller is twisted in its message to say the least. ...
The Last Farewell: Iran Hangs More Young People
It's Thursday morning Nov. 24, In Karaj, a small city just off the Iranian capital city of Tehran. Just as the sun comes out,...
Bernie Sanders, The Anti-semitic Socialist
Dear editor,It is shocking that anyone who lives in a democratic society would vote for Bernie Sanders. His theories of the world are from...
The Favored Liberal Question For Republican Candidates, Without The Trickery
If Congress liberals offer a real tax and spend deal, Republican presidential candidates could be asked if they would accept - but it will never happen.
Obama, One-Worlders, Praise new Encyclical
Reader David Martin says Pope Francis has been poorly advised, allowing the United Nations to inform and direct his recent encyclical on global warming.
Children of Nepal Need Compassion and Love
Nepal lost uncountable monuments of historical importance, places of pride and Kathmandu has moved south a few feet. Children have lost their families and homes.
French Bigotry on Religion Triggers Charlie Hedbo Tragedy
Many see this as a trend of disenfranchised, antisocial misfits with no identity. We, the freedom lovers, paint them as narcissistic sociopathic orphans lacking empathy, and certainly there is some truth in the one sided approach.
WHO’s Polio Vaccination Causing Gross Human Rights Violations in Pakistan
The World Health Organization's polio vaccination program in Pakistan is causing gross human rights violations in the name of polio eradication.
Obama Says He Will Override The Will of American Voters?
A reader says President Obama needs to take High School Civics again. The Obama Caesar complex makes him think he is running an imperial presidency.
Obama golfs while Rome burns
A readers writes to say he is unhappy about the Commander in Chief being more interested in playing golf than addressing any of the crises confronting our nation.
The Disappearing Act of Tea Party
We are condemning our children and grandchildren to poverty and insurmountable debt. It is true that we will not be around to face their wrath. However it might be nice to think that they would thank us rather than hate us.
Attacking Syria, Really, Mr Obama And Mr. Kerry?
Obama and Kerry, the peace doves go through a Jeckyl and Hyde transformation, to become war hawks, now they have the power to kill others.
If We Can’t Trust The IRS Can We Trust The Department...
Former IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman who testified to Congress that 'no targeting' occurred on his watch is home free.
Obama Adminstration Fails to Disclose Detailed Information on Benghazi Attack
Now eight months later we are told 'it was a long time ago' and 'what difference does it make.' Is any surprise that people don't believe the administration and the media?
Former President Jimmy Carter’s Visit To Nepal Should Be Stopped
We hear former president Jimmy Carter plans to visit Nepal. Carter wants to support another CA election to continue the crisis.