Why were there reports on Friday the 11th (the day after the shooting) of an imminent arrest in the multiple gunshot murder of popular radio host April Kauffman, 47? April’s funeral was yesterday, the 14th, and yet we aren’t hearing of any action, in the way of an arrest, on the part of the Atlantic County prosecutor. So why were such rumors flying about only one day after she was shot many times over in her own bed, and in her sprawling mansion in Linwood, New Jersey?
Is there any suspicion directed at her husband, James Kauffman? We hear, he leaves for work at 5 AM last Thursday and claims to a neighbor, after arriving at the scene of the crime, that when he left her, she had a pillow over her head and was sleeping soundly. April must have been shot sometime between 5 AM and 11:30 AM (Thursday, 5/10/’12), when her parrot-keeper dropped by to do his usual chores. This may not be related, but we hear the Kauffman house had lots of firearms on hand.

I’ve read dozens of news stories and watched a handful of local television reports (from the Atlantic City, New Jersey area), and all we are hearing, is that April Kauffman worked tirelessly for veteran rights and benefits and was very dedicated to this cause of improving conditions for veterans. But I noticed a brief mention that the Atlantic Prosecutor’s Office doesn’t believe her shooting is related to her WIBG 1020 King Arthur Show (I’ve never heard it, so I can’t tell you much about it), which is primarily dedicated to her crusade for veterans. So, what is her death related to?
I’m having some trouble getting the story straight about these radio stations. Did April leave WOND some time ago and move to WIBG? Okay, so it looks like she left WOND last February. But why did she change radio stations? Clarity on this tidbit would be helpful. And then what about other businesses she owned? April had a catering business and a hair salon, which we hear were both successful, or at least were still surviving. But what about a deli she owned which failed? Why did it fail and was anybody wronged by its failure?
As far as her husband goes, James Kauffman, he is an endocrinologist who must be doing fairly well, from the looks of their Linwood home on Woodstock Drive. I’ve only seen news footage of the home, which was shot from the air above over the mansion. How many square feet is it? Why would just two people need such a large house? It’s a sore for the eyes (from shocking news footage) to see Linwood police cars parked all around it and to see the familiar yellow crime tape winding about this beautiful mansion!
Another counterintuitive clue, or another contradictory clue maybe (or better, one that throws suspicion away from say, a random home invasion), is that no valuables were taken from the Kauffman home. This would tend to rule out robbery as a motive. We hear, she had plenty of jewelry and valuables with her there, so this suggests the opportunity to rob her was present. No, robbery is not what is behind her murder. And crime pundits will probably say the manner of death (the overkill multiple gunshots she sustained) points to a personal MO.
This observation that the manner of April Kauffman’s death has the characteristics of a personal attack, by someone who knew her well, is spot-on, in my best assessment. But who had a motive to kill such a caring and socially responsible individual, such as April appears to be? That’s a million dollar question! Did she make somebody angry? Obviously, she did. But who and why? The husband claims they were getting ready to retire to Arizona. Yet other reports hint at the fact that April didn’t want to retire. Do I have something here?
Who Killed Radio Host and Activist April Kauffman? – Michelle Sigona – International Crime Wire