Hollywood Sentinel April 2014 Issue Feature: The Academy Goes Punk Rock

By The Hollywood Sentinel

The new issue of The Hollywood Sentinel is now out, featuring a special on The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, called “The Academy Goes Punk Rock,” with a report on the new films screening at the Academy theater, as well as a report on Yeah Yeah Yeah’s front woman Karen O. at this year’s Oscars.

The talented and sexy Emma Watson arrived for the live ABC Telecast of The 86th Oscars at the Dolby Theatre on March 2, 2014 in Hollywood, California, in the image pictured here, taken by Aaron Poole, and copyright 2014, A.M.P.A.S.

Top 10 Greatest Directors Countdown

Emma Watson arrives for the 86th Oscars www.TheHollywoodSentinel.com

The Hollywood Sentinel is the free online monthly entertainment site that features only the good news, and is read by some of the biggest stars in the world, as well as many A-list producers, directors, and more. It is syndicated with the renowned world wide site NewsBlaze dot com, which has hundreds of writers reporting from around the world.