Loving Healing Press Announces Nominees for 47th Annual Pushcart Prize


The Loving Healing Press of Michigan has announces its six nominations for the 47th annual Pushcart Prize.

The Pushcart Prize: Best of the Small Presses series, published every year since 1976, is the most honored literary project in America. Hundreds of presses and thousands of writers of short stories, poetry, and essays have been represented in the pages of its annual collections. This is the seventh consecutive year that Loving Healing Press was invited by the Pushcart Prize to make nominations.

Loving Healing Press Pushcart Nominees
Image @ Loving Healing Press

Loving Healing Press Nominees for Pushcart Prize

Engaging potential of the content, involvement with subject matter, and spontaneity of literary expression were the basic criteria on which the publications were judged. Picking best of the best from the writings published by the press in the year 2021, this year’s six nominees include:

  1. Sweta Srivastava Vikram, excerpt from A Piece of Peace
  2. Chris Stark, excerpt from Carnival Lights
  3. Nancy Daniel Wesson, excerpt from I Miss the Rain in Africa: Peace Corps as a 3rd Act
  4. Craig A. Brockman, “The Fairy in a Berry Can,” from P. Reader Volume 5
  5. Don Bodey, “How to Hunt Fox Squirrels,” from P. Reader Volume 5
  6. Don Bodey, “Deal Me Out,” from P. Reader Volume 5

“We’re very proud to put forward these nominees to one of the oldest and most prestigious awards for small presses,” says Victor R. Volkman, Publisher at the Loving Healing Press and Senior Editor of Modern History Press. He adds that the Pushcart Prize is a unique opportunity to acknowledge the contributions of short-form writing, such as poems and personal essays.

Past nominees of the Pushcart Prize from Loving Healing Press include Kat Fasano-Nicotera, Nick Purdon, Tyler R. Tichelaar, Sweta Vikram, Larry Buege, Janet Riehl, and Barbara Sinor. These authors have published books with the press and/or contributed to the journal Recovering the Self published by the press.

On behalf of his press, Victor R. Volkman congratulates all nominees and wishes them good luck.

Ernest Dempsey
Ernest Dempseyhttp://www.ernestdempsey.com/
Ernest Dempsey is a writer, editor, blogger, and journalist based in Orlando, FL. He runs a popular blog Word Matters! and edits the journal and its blog Recovering the Self. Dempsey is a skeptic, vegetarian, and advocate for animal and human rights.

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