Home Authors Posts by Ernest Dempsey

Ernest Dempsey

Ernest Dempsey
Ernest Dempsey is a writer, editor, blogger, and journalist based in Orlando, FL. He runs a popular blog Word Matters! and edits the journal and its blog Recovering the Self. Dempsey is a skeptic, vegetarian, and advocate for animal and human rights.
Trauma-Informed approach

Jay Levy and Co-authors Share Fresh Insight into a Trauma-Informed Approach...

Jay Levy has been implementing effective and practical approaches to solve the problem of homelessness and associated socio-psychological issues. In his new book, Pretreatment...
101 Tips for Chronic Pain Relief

Feel Better Soon with Alan Smith’s 101 Tips for Chronic Pain...

Chronic pain is the arch antagonist of a happy life. The American Chronic Pain Association has described a person with chronic pain much like...
In Bondage to Evil

In Bondage to Evil

Can the contemporary psychology of mental illness reasonably explain all the phenomena associated with what is widely known as demonic or spirit possession? This...
How Dare We! Write

MN Diversity Writing Event Features Textbook ‘How Dare We! Write’

Modern History Press (MHP) is proud to announce its contribution to an upcoming writers' workshop focused on black writers. MHP is donating a dozen...
Jorgensen Snowmobiling

Jorgensen’s ‘Make It Go in the Snow’ Offers a Brief History...

Modern History Press continues to serve history enthusiasts with exciting titles that offer regional histories from first-hand sources and less-known archives. The latest in...
Lumberjack banner

Lumberjack: Inside an Era in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan

Modern History Press brings Upper Peninsula history to life in its new title Lumberjack: Inside an Era in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan (April...
108 Tips on Coping with Grief and Loss

Sweta Vikram Offers 108 Tips on Coping with Grief and Loss

Grief and loss are inseparable from humanity. There can never be enough of this topic in the literature of self-help, and each individual's experience...
Yooper Poetry

“Yooper Poetry” Features the UP Experience in Verse

Modern History Press has published works of both fiction and poetry from and about the Upper Peninsula (U.P.) of Michigan. Its latest book is...
Hummingbird Diana Raab

Hummingbird – Spiritual Messages from Ancestors in New Book

Inspirational author and blogger Diana Raab continues her writing journey into 2024 with the publication of her new book Hummingbird: Messages from My Ancestors...
Luck or Miracle cover

Luck or Miracle: 102-Year-Old WW II Veteran Shares Survival Story

Nelson Mandela famously defined courage as "triumph over fear." For World War II veteran Jim Bollich, courage lives in the memories of his younger...
Ellen Lord Relative Sanity

Relative Sanity: Michigan Poet Ellen Lord Releases First Chapbook

Upper Peninsula native Ellen Lord has just released her first poetry chapbook, Relative Sanity, published by Modern History Press (Ann Arbor). Relative Sanity is...
UP craft breweries

Local Beer Guidebook Author to Visit UP Brewpubs and Craft Breweries

This June, Jon C. Stott, award-winning writer of beer travel books, will be visiting brewpubs and craft breweries in Michigan's Upper Peninsula to celebrate...
101 Tips for Better Sleep cover image

New Book Offers 101 Tips for Better Sleep

To millions of people struggling to find restful sleep, the Loving Healing Press brings a quick solution by health and self-help author Alan E....
Nancy Wesson award

Nancy Wesson Wins the 2022 Moritz Thomsen Peace Corps Experience Award

Loving Healing Press author Nancy Wesson has won the 2022 Moritz Thomsen Peace Corps Experience Award Winner for her book I Miss the Rain...
My Grief Is Like the Ocean

‘My Grief Is Like the Ocean’ Comes as a Life-Saving Story...

If it's a challenge to create a life-saving book that can be read in an hour or less, the Loving Healing Press is up...
Chris Stark Award

‘Carnival Lights’ by Chris Stark Wins Best Fiction Title at NEMBA

Carnival Lights by Native American author and speaker Chris Stark won the award for best fiction book at the 2022 Northeastern Minnesota Book Awards...
Hilton North of Nelson

North of Nelson: Hilton Everett Moore Launches New Series of U.P....

The literary treasure of Upper Peninsula (UP), Michigan, is adding a new book of short fiction, North of Nelson: Volume 1, by local author...
Cady image

‘Cady and the Birchbark Box’ Wins Michigan’s State History Award

Modern History Press is proud to announce that its title Cady and the Birchbark Box by Ann Dallman has won the 2022 State History...
Sound Advice

Sound Advice – New Book Reveals the Sensory Connection to Developmental...

In her new book Sound Advice, published by the Loving Healing Press, seasoned occupational therapist and writer Robin Abbott offers valuable fresh insights into...
Elia Hoover

Young Director Elia Hoover on Independent Filmmaking

Independent filmmaking is increasingly getting popular as more and more people are making entry into the world of entertainment. Many are using indie films...

