.ME Domain Names: .ME Launch Plan Was Executed With Perfection


It’s going to be one week tomorrow that the .ME Registry debuted live to be registered in real time, with incredible international demand.

.” ME is a domain space that offers personalized me domain names (www.domainasset.net/me domain names) for your products and services,” said executive director Predrag Lesic, “or your personal presence on the web, including email, in a more generic way than any other.”

In the first 48 hours, more than 50,000 new me domain names were registered — with the first “live” name is yusu.me. The first live me domain name signed by DomainMonster.com (domainasset.net) customer was bonk.me.

“Our .ME launch plan was executed with perfection by the launch team here at domainasset.net” stated Matt Mansell, Managing Director for Mesh Digital Ltd.

“Within 90 seconds, we had cleared our queue of thousands of pre-orders and were registering in real time, almost immediately from launch. We achieved a success rate of more than 85% for the pre-orders that our customers had made, securing them valuable me domain names at the crucial name.”

Alan Gray, of cheap domain site DomainAsset.net, said “It was really quite amazing how much activity there was, for the personalized domain names.”

Source: Newsblaze and Mesh Source Limited

Garrett Godwin
Garrett Godwin
Garrett Godwin is an entertainment journalist, who writes for NewsBlaze about television and people in the entertainment industry, from his home state of Michigan. Contact Garrett by writing to NewsBlaze.

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