Friends of Ziv Medical Center, Ziv Medical Center in Northern Israel is conducting a humanitarian campaign: “Ziv for Venezuelan Refugees” to provide vaccines, medicines, and have teams of experienced Israeli doctors to come and support hospitals and health-care personnel in countries bordering Venezuela that are providing medical assistance to Venezuelan refugees.
Thousands of Venezuelans cross the border every week seeking medical attention and medicines, unavailable in Venezuela. The demand has overwhelmed the Brazilian health system.

In particular the lack of vaccination in Venezuela has spurred a series of epidemics, measles being the most notorious.
A team of doctors from Ziv Medical Center, Israel, will be traveling to Brazil’s Northern Province, bordering with Venezuela.
Ziv’s team of doctors have the expertise to tackle the situation and bring relief and support, even if temporarily, to their Brazilian counterparts.
On Wednesday, February 6, 2019, Friends of Ziv Medical Center will be holding, in Hollywood, California, a fundraiser in support of its ‘Helping the Venezuelan Refugees Campaign‘.

Kobi Danan, Sound Nightclub owner, has donated the venue and several well-known DJs – who will dance the philanthropic, caring crowd off their feet – are donating their performance for an evening of music and fun.
For the sake of the plight of Venezuelans, the Ziv for Venezuelan Refugees campaign would love to have you partake.
Tickets are only $27.00.
Sound Nightclub @ 1642 N Las Palmas Ave, Los Angeles, California 90028
For more information, to find out how you can help and participate of events, this one on Wednesday, February 6, in Hollywood, California – in support of this initiative: Visit:
The Ziv for Venezuelan Refugees campaign was started by the Friends of Ziv Medical Center organization.
The Friends of Ziv Medical Center, Inc. is a charitable organization run by volunteers to help the process of upgrading the medical services Ziv Medical Center offers to the community of northern Israel by fundraising for its capital and equipment projects and supporting its humanitarian work.
Founded in 2014 under the initiative of Dr. Raul Rosenthal who served as the organization’s first president Friends of Ziv has been headed since February 2016 by Rabbi Moshe Pitchon, who was another member of the founding board of directors.
Once the time for organization was over Friends of Ziv Medical Center launched a series of programs and activities to create awareness about the vital work performed by Ziv Medical in Israel and in assisting neighboring countries