Americas Talk Radio Network and My Cool Inventions present a new exciting program that allows local radio stations to earn $5000 every month in rewards. This is an innovative program that puts the audience as the priority.
When was the last time a television program that reaches 95 million homes, worth millions in marketing offered you the opportunity to drive a radio audience in your market? Imagine if all the contestants had to prove themselves on your radio station.
Imagine if your radio audience were the “Sharks” choosing the fate of the inventor and the success of their product. Your audience, billings and market share could immediately increase.
Applicants to the invention/product search will include your listener. If you listener gets involved and wins the monthly competition, and that product is featured on HSN, your station will receive a $5000 bonus.
Listing The Details
Weekday Program, 9-10am EST on WestwoodOne XDS (live or on delay) Product Search Contest. Inventors go head to head, where the audience votes who has the better invention.
Weekend Program, 8-11am EST on WestwoodOne XDS (live or on delay)
Hour 1 – The winners from the weekday show are invited back to compete against each other. The monthly winner from the Saturday show qualifies to appear on HSN Live TV platform.
Hour 2 – Innovation, inventive programming, crowd funding, education segment, special guests with featured inventions.
Hour 3 – Inventions are made available for sale. These are items that have never been seen and are exclusively available for the first time to listeners. Two of the most experienced TV hosts with 60 years of combined experience, Akos Jankura and John Cremeans help inventors pitch their products. My Cool Inventions will lead your local audience to your web site to click on the MCI link.
My Cool Inventions can be heard on many affiliated stations all across the country on Americas Talk Radio Network. With each show Akos Jankura and John Cremeans provide over 60 years of expert advice on the industry of inventing a product or idea. They also elaborate on how to successfully produce your product or idea through the product life cycle from inception through to retail.