Robert D. Ashford


Robert D. Ashford was a Marine during the cold war and is now retired, after 50 years of construction management. He is a keen genealogist and loves humor. He watches the political horizons and likes to write commentary on what’s next.

Exclusive articles:

The Right to Speak Freely

When Robert D. Ashford last read the Constitution, it guaranteed freedom of speech,and he went to read his copy again before writing this article.

Religion Needs to Be Simple and Less Confusing

We are born and then what? We seem to have lost our purpose for life and why we are here on this planet called earth. We are not here to develop easy ways to get drunk, or to enjoy drugs so we can escape our trials and tribulations.

The Hard Consequences for Breaking God’s Laws

If we condone their actions retribution will come from on high, of which it has already begun, we (every soul) good or bad will pay the price to some degree. It will come by storms, winds, rains, hail, snow, earth quakes, famine, and fire but it w

Is The Bible Authentic in Every Detail?

The Bible is a Book that tells of the dealings of God with his children on earth. Not every story of his dealing is contained in the Bible and much was with held for various reasons.

Have Religions Failed Man?

I have come to the realization that no government can or will be able to give man (people) the necessary information to help them be satisfied with life.


What Is Black History Month: Understanding Its Importance

Explore the fascinating origins of Black History Month. What sparked Carter G. Woodson's vision to educate future generations about this history? Discover more...

The Rise of Professional Content Libraries: How Curated Videos Are Shaping Online Engagement

Audiences today crave high-quality, engaging content that is relevant...

Covert Censorship Exposed: US Funneled $472.6M to Media Control NGO, Says Wikileaks

Wikileaks exposed that the United States allegedly funneled $472.6 million through Internews Network, a global media non-governmental organization (NGO) suspected of advancing covert censorship and media control.

Proper Lawyer Tips and Legalities to Know About Within the Tobacco Industry

The tobacco industry is one of the most highly...