Robert D. Ashford


Robert D. Ashford was a Marine during the cold war and is now retired, after 50 years of construction management. He is a keen genealogist and loves humor. He watches the political horizons and likes to write commentary on what’s next.

Exclusive articles:

The Missing Books of the Bible

The Book of Enoch was written by the Prophet Enoch and contains much of his life and of the events of early religious history even of Adams journeys..

What Makes a Man ‘Tick’

Little children are too precious to be raised in a home full of anger, pain, and fighting or by a single parent. We will make mistakes in life and do dumb things that hinder our growth. When we know we are wrong be smart enough to admit it and c

Are Christian Religions Failing Americans?

John F. Kennedy told America, 'Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country.' In reality he was saying a nation that requires no sacrifice from its people is a nation doomed for eventual failure.

A Trust Fund Or a Scam

The government called it a trust Fund. Our Elected Legislators saw this bundle of money in the peoples system and the temptation was too great, and they allowed this money be used to support their causes.

Are Americans Turning a Deaf Ear on The Gift of Freedom?

If we the people live not to embrace truth but swallow lies then we deserve what we seek. If we the people love truth and embrace it then we will enjoy the harvest, that truth and freedom bestows upon those who believe and trust worty


What Is Black History Month: Understanding Its Importance

Explore the fascinating origins of Black History Month. What sparked Carter G. Woodson's vision to educate future generations about this history? Discover more...

The Rise of Professional Content Libraries: How Curated Videos Are Shaping Online Engagement

Audiences today crave high-quality, engaging content that is relevant...

Covert Censorship Exposed: US Funneled $472.6M to Media Control NGO, Says Wikileaks

Wikileaks exposed that the United States allegedly funneled $472.6 million through Internews Network, a global media non-governmental organization (NGO) suspected of advancing covert censorship and media control.

Proper Lawyer Tips and Legalities to Know About Within the Tobacco Industry

The tobacco industry is one of the most highly...