Ian Brockwell
Ray Gosling – Is death confession a publicity stunt?
While filming a documentary about death and dying for the BBC, Ray Gosling, 70, confessed to killing his lover (or as Gosling put it, his 'bit on the side') by smothering him with a pillow.
Hamas Assassination – Israeli Backed, But Executed By Amateurs
There can be little doubt that Israel would support the assassination of a top Hamas official, Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, who else would hate a member of such an organization enough to carry out a killing of this kind?
Israeli ‘Messiah’ Charged With Enslavement, Rape and Incest
An Israeli man, Goel Ratzon, aged 60, has been charged with the enslavement of at least 17 women in what has been quoted as 'a harem he controlled like a cult.'
Recent UFO Sightings in Birmingham UK
When writing articles about UFO's I often invite people to share the sightings they have had, and I am pleased to say that there has been a good response to this request just lately
What If Yellowstone Erupts in Days as Predicted?
Increased seismic activity around Yellowstone has frequently produced speculation that an eruption may be imminent, but thankfully the supervolcano has failed to deliver.
Interesting UFO Reports For Closer Inspection
There have been a number of interesting UFO reports in the news recently and I have selected a couple of these for closer inspection.
Doomsday Clock – Is it broken?
This week, the Doomsday Clock moved one minute back from midnight, indicating that things have become better in the world?
6.5 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Off California Coast
A strong earthquake (magnitude 6.5) struck off the shore of northern California at 4.27 pm Saturday (about 33 miles from the coastal city of Eureka). A number of aftershocks followed, the strongest at 4.5 magnitude.
Global Warming? – Take a Look Outside Al
Whilst the planet did appear to go through a hot spell a few years ago, there seems to be sufficient evidence at the moment to suggest that things have changed?
Unofficial Claims That Iran Involved in Kidnap of Peter Moore
It is odd that the 'date' is verbally mentioned in the videos showing the alleged captors, as this normally is shown in other ways. The videos were also recorded some time ago, yet this is the first time we have been told of their existence.
British Hostage Peter Moore Released From Captivity in Iraq
According to reports, 36-year-old Peter Moore, who is currently at the British Embassy in Baghdad, is in good health and expected to be reunited with his family and friends very soon.
Akmal Shaikh Executed in China
Shaikh was arrested at Urumqi airport in September 2007, where the drugs were found in a suitcase. Anyone caught carrying more than 50g of heroin into China face the death penalty.
Iran Protest – Western Backed Mobile Phone Revolution!
Compared to some Western civilizations, the cultures and laws in Iran could be considered backward and perhaps barbaric, but does the West have a right to dictate how others should live their lives and impose their own social values on them?
Nigerian Airline bomber – al-Qaeda terrorist or lone crank?
Before the creation of al-Qaeda and the heavily promoted 'war on terror', the world often saw planes hijacked or subjected to attacks by a variety of individuals.
Mayon Volcano Eruption in Philippines Expected Within Hours/days
It is believed that the Mayon volcano in the Philippines, which has been spewing lava and burning ash for a week, could erupt in a matter of days.
Crop Circles – Claims that MI5 Involved in Cover-Up
A documentary called 'Crop Circles: The Hidden Truth' produced by Richard D. Hall, has recently appeared on SKY Channel 200 'which uncovers the involvement of MI5 in crop circle making,'
Spiral Light over Norway – Not a UFO
The best idea (in my opinion) is that it was either a rocket or missile that had probably re-entered the atmosphere, or from a high altitude, and developed a fault with its guidance system or propulsion engine.
World Cup Draw – England Expected to Make It to Last...
The World Cup draw took place a short time ago in South Africa, to decide which teams will be playing each other. The groups are displayed below at the bottom of the page.
Men Live Shorter Lives Due to Genes, Not Nagging!
According to recent research by scientists, men live shorter lives than women because of genes that are present in their sperm.
Iraq Inquiry – Plenty of Talk, But No Justice
As the Inquiry continues, it becomes clearer how the invasion of Iraq came about and who was responsible for it, but most of us knew that already!