Today’s Rant: The World’s State of Affairs


My position on the world’s state of affairs has hardened. It is in fact, immovable, resolute. I can no longer listen to even one word about Israel Arab-“Palestinian” “peace process”; I am simply past it. I do not question myself nor do I have the least twinge of feelings of guilt.

Moslems, Muslims, Islamists, Islamofascists, Islamonazis, or whatever other name they appear to be identified by, are simply the inheritors of Hitler’s dream, or maybe Hitler was the inheritor of Muhammad’s dream…but who cares, who came first; Hitler was then and the Islamofascists are very much the NOW. In either case, it adds up to the very same. “Old Europe” is right back to where it was. The Europeans are back to being as anti-Semitic as they were in 1939, or even way before then. They never really left their anti-Semitic deep sentiments, only pretended, for a short while, they did.

The Middle East and North Africa uprising, to which, the “illuminated-Progressive” world uses the romantic term “Arab Spring”, will surely widen beyond its present North Africa and Middle East boundaries, and sooner than we even dare to think. I predict that within one year, a radical-Islamist bloc will be formed from this Arab pretended-Spring. In all likelihood this Islamofascist bloc will be led by the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, and it will be frighteningly enormous, united, more radical, and emboldened by Western weakness and naivete.

Barack Hussein Obama’s legacy to the world will be the weakening of America and the great strengthening of Islamofascistic Islamism. This is a process he began almost immediately after he was inaugurated. If we look back we can see to whom Obama gave his first-ever interview as President; it was not CBS, ABC, NBC; it was not CNN, MSNBC, and surely it was not Fox News. The newly-inaugurated, first time black man, democratic American President gave his first interview to Al-Arabiya television.

The reader needs to note that Al Arabiya, based in Dubai Media City, is a 24-hour Arabic-language news channel broadcasting across five continents to millions of viewers. With a global network of correspondents and bureaus in 40 major cities around the world, Al Arabiya has become a leading source of Arabic-language news throughout the world. Who was the first political leader to speak to the new American President, Obama? The Arab-“Palestinian” Mahmoud Abbas-Abu-Mazen.


We, the American people, are at war against Islamists, against all Moslems who want to harm our country. They sure do wish to harm us! More precisely, the Islamists are at war against us, the American People. But, sadly, maybe 10% of Americans know this, or are ready to acknowledge it.

Meanwhile, and as I write this, today’s rant, Americans and Afghans officials are having peace talks with the Taliban: America has opened peace talks with Taliban, says Afghan President Hamid Karza.

Does anybody, besides few of us, sees here, a 21st Century new Chamberlain and Hitler? Will Kandahar be Czechoslovakia of the year 2011?

We should all pray that in fifty (50) years there will still be Americans around to honor G-d, Jesus and the soldiers who fought and won THIS war. Conversely, I fear those who used to be Americans may, by imposition, be chanting “Allahu Akbar” as they celebrate the anniversary of the demise of the Great Satan, the United States of America.

That is where we are, today, and the future is grim. And if we do not take these facts on the ground and in Washington seriously and change the tide, really change the tide. We are doomed.

And that is where we are right now, today!

Nurit Greenger
Nurit Greenger
During the 2006 second Lebanon War, Nurit Greenger, referenced then as the "Accidental Reporter" felt compelled to become an activist. Being an 'out-of-the-box thinker, Nurit is a passionately committed advocate for Jews, Israel, the United States, and the Free World in general. From Southern California, Nurit serves as a "one-woman Hasbarah army" for Israel who believes that if you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything.

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