“The People Build the Army and the Army Builds the Nation” is what lior, one of the Israeli soldiers who partook in the Friends of Israel Defense Force (FIDF) Western Region annual gala in Beverly Hills at the beginning of November 2016, told me.
The Gala, chaired by Haim and Cheryl Saban, studded by prominent figures from the film industry, politicians and owners of renowned businesses and 1,200 enthusiastic guests, raised, this year, whoopee $38 million dollars. This money is designated to help the IDF in its many needs. In an amazing stunt, the visiting members of the IDF group and the participating representatives of the United States military forces group were so moved, they also donated to the cause.
Israel, the nation state of the Jewish people, is unique in many ways, but the most distinct one is that out of necessity, it is a nation of soldiers, and a soldiers’ nation. It is a symbiotic relationship, the people build the army and the army builds the nation.

The Army Builds The Nation
The IDF is a force made of young Israeli draftees. Many young Jews, from around the world, also join this military force to be part of defending the Jewish state and the Jewish people. Yes, the IDF protects and defends all Jews within and outside of Israel’s borders.
The military service toughens the young Israelis, boys and girls alike, and brings them to life maturity faster than other young people their equal age. The IDF is the most moral military force known and that brings it to make a difference the world over, to always go beyond the call, demonstrating strength, heroism and compassion. Each soldier drafted is there to defend his or her homeland, which they unconditionally love.

The seven wars Israel was forced to fight, each she won, demonstrated relentless resistance and that is the history of the Jewish people and that is their formula for survival.
And with all these traits, it is no surprise that in 1981, Friends of the Israel Defense Forces (FIDF) was established by a group of Holocaust survivors. Its cause is to provide for the education and wellbeing of the men and women who serve in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) as well as the families of fallen and wounded soldiers. Headquartered in New York City, FIDF is a 501c3, not-for-profit Corporation that operates throughout its United States offices.

Friends of the Israel Defense Forces (FIDF) – Was born to make a real difference, as you can see in this video.
People Build the Army
The story of the Jewish people, throughout this nation’s history, is the rise of the strength of the human spirit. The IDF is a story of pain, pride, hope and reliability and an example that the human spirit always wins. FIDF lends the IDF a comfort zone, in many aspects; it says, “we are here for them,” thus making a difference in every Israeli soldier’s life.
As this stunning video says: Superman’s Got Nothing On Israel.
All that is required is to love all those who protect Israel. And protecting Israel now has a new meaning. Israel is a bastion of the free world’s civilization and the last line of protecting it.
The IDF is the most vigilant army force in the world; Israel’s surrounding enemies make it be that way. For that matter the IDF must maintain the ability to remain vigilant and its soldiers must be given first priority. And that is what FIDF do, prioritize the IDF and you should do the same.
If you believe that when it comes to donating, no amount should be too small, I will be remiss if I do no not say, join the cause.

Today we discovered that is true that the people build the army and the army builds the nation.