The West bought all the Arab fakeness, to its core, especially the “Palestinians” subterfuge.
The Jewish people are nearing the celebration of Passover. It was the epic event that took them out of bondage in Egypt and eventually settled them in the Land of Israel, the land gifted to them by God. Today this land is called the State of Israel.
The land of Israel was a sovereign Jewish State over 3,000 years ago. The region was known then as Canaan and was home to small villages of farmers and herders.
Nowadays, the West, mistakenly, or deliberately, perceive the Arabs living within Israel’s borders, two million of them in the area called the Palestinian Authority (PA), in Gaza, even make up a large part of the population of the Kingdom of Jordan, as “Palestinians,” a term that goes along with their false claim that they are the indigenous people of the land of Israel.

How “Palestinians” Were Created
The original Palestine National Charter-1964 of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) was written by the first PLO Chairman, Ahmed Shukeiry. The pan-Arab objective in the Arab-Israeli conflict is rather pervasive – the destruction of Israel.
Terrorist Yasser Araft was the chairman of the PLO from 1969 to 2004.
Since 1964 the above-mentioned Arab population centers have assumed the name “Palestinians,” whereas before they were usually referred to as Arabs.
This term, “officially” addressing Arabs as “Palestinians” entered the lexicon in 1964. Terrorist Yasser Arafat, a marketing genius, promoted it to the point that when you repeat it enough times it becomes a fact of life. These Arabs, over a few short years, became “Palestinians,” a nation with no history whatsoever, yet, a “nation.”

Arafat came up with this brilliant idea, simply because during the years 1922-1948 the land of Israel was called the “British Mandate for Palestine – The Land of Israel.”
Yasser Arafat saw a golden opportunity to steal the Jewish indigenous roots in the land of Israel for the benefit of claiming tenure to the land.
Yasser Arafat’s “Palestinian” invention was beyond success. The name stuck in the world’s subconscious, including in Israel.
These Arabs also have been addressing Israel as “Palestine.” Thus, the conundrum is solved; what everyone knows to be the state of Israel is really “Palestine” and if you follow the PLO charter it is doomed for destruction.
Palestinian Illusion
The Arabs adapted well to their new “Palestinian” identity and created the illusion that they have always been in the land of Israel, which they had not. According to them, the land is theirs, while they claim that the Jews arrived in “Palestine” from Europe and took over their land, killed “Palestinians” during their occupation and seized their property.
The Birth of Arab Antisemitism
The fake names, the fake history, the deception has given birth to the most extreme animosity of the Arabs toward the Jews and the State of Israel. This animosity has manifested itself in the Arabs’ endless wars they launched against Israel and constant terrorism that has claimed tens of thousands of Jewish lives.
This animosity entered the United Nations Organization (UN), via the UN Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), representing Muslim countries in the United Nations. The OIC is the second largest intergovernmental organization in the world and it has provided much animosity toward Israel in the UN’s hall of injustice.
Other rooted animosity toward Israel is found in Western academia, the streets and among the proverbial anti-Semites. The latter is a growing group. This animosity has rooted so deeply it could be seen as a social mental disease.
Ending the Deception
If you care to think logically about this issue, it is time to stop perpetuating these lies and deception. Because every time anyone uses the term “Palestinians,” they are helping the Arabs in their ruse to make the claim that the land of Israel is theirs.
This contributes to the erasure of Israel’s existence, weaponizing the Jewish state’s legitimacy.
Israel the Startup Nation
Israel has not been gifted with natural resources other than its brain power. The Jewish state has had to rely on its scrappiness and the art of survival in a contested Middle East arena.
Therefore, Israel has cultivated an innovative and entrepreneurial spirit to promote economic development and growth, and thus is often referred to as the “Startup Nation.”
Israel has become known as the “startup Nation,” from where admirable innovations from which the world benefits are given birth.
Kidnapping Jews as a “Startup”
Now the Arabs have a new weapon, which is kidnapping Jews. The Jewish kidnapping project has become militarily, economically, politically, and media-wise – the most successful startup project, which only exists in the State of Israel.

You Cannot Live Next to Genocidalism
Here is the summation on these Arabs by US Secretary of State Marco Rubio to Megyn Kelly:
“As long as there is an organization called Hamas whose goal is the destruction of the Jewish state and is prepared to commit atrocities against civilians and hold hostages for a year and a half, it is a threat to the national security of the State of Israel. What country can live alongside an armed enemy willing to commit atrocities?”
The Gaza Strip is where kidnappers of Jews, genocidal maniacal Arabs live. It must be cleared of all of them and Gaza should once more become part of sovereign Israel; a piece of land with Mediterranean white sand beaches, the like of Marbella, Spain, or the Greek Islands where everyone wants to have a vacation.
We must get back to reality. There are no “Palestinians.” There is no “Palestine.” There is a terror enclave named Gaza which should be called Hamastan-Gaza and it has lost its right, if it ever had, to exist.

Why Has Hamastan-Gaza Lost the Right to Exist?
The Sunni Islamic Resistance Movement, abbreviated Hamas, affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, was founded by Ahmed Yassin in 1987, after an outbreak of the first intifada against Israel.
Hamas is an Islamic political organization with a military wing known as the Al-Qassam Brigades that has governed the Gaza Strip since 2007.
Hamas exists as Iran’s proxy on the southern border with Israel with one purpose in mind, to destroy Israel.
On October 7, 2023, Hamas started a war of savagery against Israel, in the name of “Palestinians'” resistance. Israel responded with fierce fighting in which Hamas lost all of their senior commanders, many of its rank in file and turned most of Gaza into uninhabited rubble. That included destroying thousands of lengthy terror tunnels that were dug near UN facilities and destroying hospitals that served the terrorists as operational centers.
In true perspective, Hamas lost the war. They must now lose the land that historically is not theirs. This is not the first time. It should be the last.