Mitch Flint Honored At Yitzchak Rabin Memorial

In 1948, Mitch Flint, who just finished flying for the US Navy in WWII, left his comfortable home in the USA and headed to Israel to help the nascent state that was embattled by Arab nations foes in its Independence War.

Though an illegal act when it comes to USA law, Mitch, the USA Jewish pilot, volunteered, with others … Jews and non-Jewish volunteer pilots – to fly rinky-dink airplanes, whatever kind Israel could put a hand on and buy.

The outcome was that the war was won and Israel endured.

On the evening of November 3, 2015, at the Saban Theatre in Beverly Hills California, also known as Temple of the Arts, many, including Jonathan Ben Artzi, Rabin’s grandson, gathered to memorialize the life of assassinated Israel Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin z”l.

L Israel air force pilot, Mitch Flint, Rabbi Baron of the Temple of the Arts
L: Israel air force pilot, Mitch Flint, Rabbi Baron of the Temple of the Arts

During the event, which was a celebration of life and freedom, Rabbi David Baron of Temple of the Arts honored Mitch Flint, 92 year young, for his brave decision, against many odds, to go help Israel in time of great need. Mitch and Rabin have fought for Israel’s very existence. Israeli Black Hawk helicopter pilot endowed Mitch with a special air-force-Israel dual flag pin and the entire audience stood up in salute of Mitch.

So we all remember, without Mitch and his like there is a possibility that Israel would have not won the war and endured.

The volunteer pilots, approximately 140 in number, were the beginning of what is the Israeli air-force, today, among the very best in the world.

The movie Angels In The Sky (AITS) (, about Mitch and his volunteer pilot’s stint in Israel, which translated to the beginning of Israel air-force, is in the making.

Thank you Mitch, the last of all the volunteer for Israel pilots still mobile, for stepping up and doing what is right.

We all salute you Major-Rav-Seren Mitch!

Mitch Flint speak while Rabbi David Baron and Israeli Air Force pilot listen.
Mitch Flint speak while Rabbi David Baron and Israeli Air Force pilot listen.
Rabbi David Baron of Temple of the Arts speaks to the audience about Mitch Flint.
Rabbi David Baron of Temple of the Arts speaks to the audience about Mitch Flint.
Israel Air Force pilot pins the a special air force Israel dual flag in Mitch.
Israel Air Force pilot pins the a special airforce-Israel dual flag in Mitch.
Israel Air Force pilot pins speaks to Mitch.
Israel Air Force pilot pins speaks to Mitch.
Rabbi David Baron of Temple of the Arts speaks to Mitch on stage.
Rabbi David Baron of Temple of the Arts speaks to Mitch on stage.
Five tenors from 5 major synagogues singing Prayer for Israel.
Five tenors from 5 major synagogue singing Prayer for Israel.
Nurit Greenger
During the 2006 second Lebanon War, Nurit Greenger, referenced then as the "Accidental Reporter" felt compelled to become an activist. Being an 'out-of-the-box thinker, Nurit is a passionately committed advocate for Jews, Israel, the United States, and the Free World in general. From Southern California, Nurit serves as a "one-woman Hasbarah army" for Israel who believes that if you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything.

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