Los Angeles, California, USA – February 29, 2016 – Nurit Greenger, Western Civilization Heritage Israel Program (C.H.I.P) Founder and President introduced the Program to the Tennessee Legislators in Nashville, Tennessee, causing a wave of great interest and much support.

C.H.I.P‘s entire vision began with Whitwell [Tennessee] Middle School Paper Clips Project and the Whitwell Children Holocaust Memorial. This is a project about the discrimination of others, about the Holocaust, the result of the Nazis discrimination of Jews. Whitwell Middle School Paper Clips Project has set the case in point that a change could be made, one young student at a time.
For the past two years C.H.I.P, that has set itself up to the task to take middle school students to Israel and thus start building a generation with the emphasis on the teaching of basic western values of tolerance and non-discriminatory behavior, along with the values that are captured in the Ten Commandments, has been gathering growing support.
“C.H.I.P, means chipping away at ignorance” stated Mrs. Linda Hooper, the visionary of the Paper Clips Project, who is leading the way for 22 Whitwell Middle School students and 10 chaperones to partake in the C.H.I.P Project this coming May, 2016.
C.H.I.P‘s vision is for students from schools in every State of the Union and the world over to participate in the C.H.I.P Educational Tour to Israel Project. This will create a new generation that knows tolerance and will commence ending discrimination, and thus bringing about a more loving world.

Ms. Greenger acknowledged that the endorsement of C.H.I.P at the Tennessee Capitol Hill is about to create a broad opening for other USA legislators to follow suit as well as the public at large.
C.H.I.P, a not for profit organization offering a new global education path vision, is gathering a group of advocates, sponsors and donors who care about our fast eroding western values and with their generosity, will help make a real difference in an ill world.
Israel is not just a success story for Jews; it is a beacon of hope for minorities around the world. Minority groups in America “get” the Jewish State of Israel. African-Americans understand a history of slavery and persecution. Native Americans understand being torn from land, culture and religion. Hispanic Americans understand being excluded.
Israel is the place where Western Civilization values were given birth. Today, Israel is an example of western values, freedom and human rights, while other western countries are fast losing those values.

The C.H.I.P Program’s vision is to re-instill these values in new generations, starting with a visit of youth – age 13-to-15 of all creeds, to the cradle of Western Civilization, the reborn/reconvened Jewish Commonwealth, the State of Israel.
Whitwell Middle School students are setting the way for students around the world to follow in their footsteps, participate in the C.H.I.P Program and reeducate themselves and others about western values and their heritage in the cradle of western civilization, the State of Israel.
Nurit Greenger, Founder/President:
“I see myself a warrior, NOT a victim. I have been fighting and will continue to fight for the facts and truth. To do so, I take actions to win this fight. The battle for truth is ours – the civilized world – only way to survive! A world where PC (Political Correctness) topples the truth is uncivilized!” ~Nurit Greenger
E-mail: CHIPeducationtours@gmail.com
Website: http://chipeducationaltours.org/
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CHIP4Israel
Message: If you are part of western civilization values, then Israel will become your values’ focal point and destination.