Abdullah II, King of Jordan, King of Palestine

Anyone who sloganeers “from the river to the sea Palestine will be free” actually advocates for the destruction of Israel and the mass death of Israelis.

When the League of Nations (LON) allocated to Britain the mandate to establish a Jewish state in the Land of Israel, the Jewish State’s territory included both sides of the Jordan River, the eastern and western banks.

In March 1921, Britain allotted to Emir Abdullah, the great grandfather of the current king Abdullah II of Jordan, the governance of the area east of the Jordan River. It is the area that became known as Transjordan to later on be known as Jordan – east of the Jordan River of what was then the British Mandate for Palestine.

The remaining British Mandate for Palestine was the Land of Israel that spread all the way from the Jordan River west bank to the Mediterranean Sea shores.

In July 1922, the LON, which later on became the United Nations Organization (U.N.), formally adopted the British mandate for Palestine, in which it incorporated the principles of the Balfour Declaration.

The Sykes-Picot Agreement

The Sykes-Picot Agreement, named after its chief negotiators, Mark Sykes of Britain and Georges Picot of France, was a private wartime treaty between Britain and France which was to determine the post-WWI partition of Arab Middle East lands after the defeat of the Ottoman Empire. The Sykes-Picot Agreement was a secret 1916 treaty between the United Kingdom and France, with a nod from the Russian Empire and Italy, to define their mutually agreed spheres of influence and control for an eventual partition of the Ottoman Empire.

Abdullah II, King of Jordan, King of Palestine 1
Top right the original Mandate for Palestine territory on both sides of the Jordan River. below shows Jordan carved out of the territory.

Jordan, the area to the Jordan River’s east bank, as in the rest of the areas that were discussed and to be carved up between Sykes and Picot, was not based on a unified national entity. However, it was under the control of a fairly stable government, despite the varied Arab and other clan type population.

Arab Violence Is Not New to Israel

During the years 1929-1930 Arab riots and murder of Jews in British Mandate for Palestine were rampant. A massacre of men, women and children took place in Hebron in Safed. The violent events throughout the land sent shock waves around the world. The Jewish community established the Haganah, a paramilitary organization which later became the nucleus of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).

In the Gaza Strip, Jews were present until 1929, when they were forced to leave the area due to violent Arab riots against them. Due to those riots everywhere, resulting in the murder of 135 Jews and many wounded, the British authorities prohibited Jews from living in Gaza in order to quell tension throughout the land and appease the Arabs.

In 1948, the Arab States banded together to attack the nascent State of Israel. Due to the conflict many of the local Arab population fled the land for two main reasons: they followed their leaders’ advice who told them that the war would be short, the Jews would lose the fight and they would soon be able to return to their homes. Some left out of fear of Jewish retaliation for the murders of Jews in which the local Arabs took part.

At the end of the war in 1949, the Arabs who fled the land were not allowed to return and were displaced.

At this time those refugees were called “Arabs” not “Palestinian.”

Approximately 700,000 Arabs either fled or were expelled during and after the 1948 conflict. This figure is widely cited by international historians and Arab sources.

The Arabs who were already living in the Gaza Strip and the area which Jordan addressed as “West Bank” were not displaced. Jews who lived in the “West Bank” and Jerusalem were either expelled or killed.

The Arab refugees dispersed to several locations:

  • West Bank: Then controlled by Jordan, received a large number of refugees in addition to those already living there.
  • Gaza Strip: Came under Egyptian administration and also absorbed a significant number of refugees in addition to those already living there.
  • Jordan: the land east of the Jordan River to where many refugees fled directly, which granted them residency.
  • Lebanon and Syria: Also became destinations for Arab refugees.
  • Within Israel: A number of Arabs remained within the new borders of Israel and became Israeli citizens.

Ungrateful Arabs

Even in Jordan, the Arabs who in 1964 called themselves by the new name “Palestinians,” excelled in ungratefulness toward their Jordanian host. They even murdered King Abdullah on the Temple Mount, in Jerusalem.

Abdullah II, King of Jordan, King of Palestine 2
King Abdullah II-Wikipedia

On July 20, 1951, while visiting the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, King Abdullah of Jordan, was shot dead by an Arab from the Husseini clan, who apparently passed through the heavy security.

King Abdullah reigned from April 11, 1921 until May 25, 1946. He had cordial relations with the Jews in British Mandate Palestine and was known for his efforts to reach at least some form of peace with Israel.

Allegedly, King Abdullah’s assassination was attributed to a secret order based in Jerusalem, known only as “the Jihad” that was discussed in the context of the Muslim Brotherhood. Abdullah was in Jerusalem to give a eulogy at a funeral and for a prearranged meeting with Reuven Shiloah, the first Director of Israel intelligence unit Mossad (1949-1953) and Israeli diplomat Moshe Sasson.

The King was assassinated while exiting al-Aqsa Mosque in the company of his grandson Hussein, after they attended Friday prayers at Al-Aqsa Mosque. The Arab, years later to be addressed as “Palestinian” gunman, fired three fatal bullets into the King’s head and chest. Prince Hussein was hit too but a medal pinned to his chest deflected the bullet and saved his life.

Abdullah’s assassination was a great loss to the affable relations developed between the Jews in the Land of Israel and Jordan. The assassination probably influenced King Hussein (August 11, 1952-February 7, 1999) not to enter into peace talks with Israel in the aftermath of the 1967 Six Day War in order to avoid a similar fate by another Arab-“Palestinian.”

Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty

Years later, On October 26, 1994, Jordan and Israel signed a peace treaty in a ceremony held in the Wadi Arava valley of Israel, north of the city of Eilat near the border between the two countries. Israel’s then-Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin and Jordan Prime Minister Abdelsalam al-Majali signed the treaty and then the President of Israel Ezer Weizman shook hands with King Hussein.

Perpetual “Refugees” and Abdullah II

One in five people living in Jordan is “Palestinian” – more than 2.3 million registered refugees in all, a population slightly larger than that of the Gaza Strip. Most but not all of them have received full citizenship.

Like the rest of their “refugee status” brothers in Lebanon and Gaza and also in Israel, they survive on the dole, on charitable funds paid by UNRWA, a United Nations (UN) branch which turns out not to be the humanitarian and social aid organization as it claims to be, but an organization that supports terrorism; the terror Hamas minion and collaborator.

Despite the Jordanian monarchs’ known mistreatment of the local “Palestinian”-Arabs, in order to undermine Israel’s war efforts their king, Abdullah II, currently publishes videos showing Jordanian planes dropping “humanitarian aid” shipments for the “Palestinian”– Gazans who moved from their home into makeshift camps due to the Swords of Iron War between Israel and Hamas.

And so it is permissible to say here that it appears to be appropriate to behave with hypocrisy with hypocrites, the Jordanian government.

Therefore it is also permissible to say here that the Kingdom of Jordan is Palestine.

And when the mob yells in the streets “from the river to the sea Palestine will be free” that should mean free Jordan-Palestine from Jordan’s ruling Hashemite family and apply the full rights to the Arab “Palestinian” population living there.

king abdullah ii hypocrisy. NewsBlaze cartoon
King Abdullah II of Jordan hypocrisy. NewsBlaze cartoon.

However, facts and truth are removed from the equation of current discourse, replaced with the hatred of Israel.

And the mob that yells the slogan “from the river to the sea Palestine will be free” refers to the state of Israel as “Palestine.” What they really mean is to destroy the Jewish state, Israel, and murder all those living there.

Nurit Greenger
During the 2006 second Lebanon War, Nurit Greenger, referenced then as the "Accidental Reporter" felt compelled to become an activist. Being an 'out-of-the-box thinker, Nurit is a passionately committed advocate for Jews, Israel, the United States, and the Free World in general. From Southern California, Nurit serves as a "one-woman Hasbarah army" for Israel who believes that if you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything.

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