This would be the only real, pragmatic, legal, democratic and lasting peaceful long-term solution for the statehood existence of Republic of Kosovo. It would make it a strong state entity, independent and sovereign, and out of the influences, interfering and territorial claims of the former colonial, genocidal and neocolonial Serbia (1912-1999).
Otherwise, Kosovo’s statehood substance is going to be fragile and weak as a quasi state due to political and propagandistic impacts and the brutal illegal interference of Serbia in the internal affairs of the Republic of Kosovo.
Currently, Republic of Kosovo is secured under strong military, security and political protection of NATO and the United States of America. This means that Russia and Serbia have minimal military chances to invade Kosovo as Russia militarily, illegally invaded and annexed Crimea in 2014 by disconnecting it from Ukraine.

Serbia’s ongoing political interventions in the internal affairs of Republic of Kosovo being not recognized as an independent and sovereign state, warn us that Kosovo is at potential peril from a Serbian-Russian Alliance. That alliance is headed by Russia’s president Vladimir Putin and Serbia’s hard-line top leadership. The hard-liners are Tomislav Nikolic (president), Alexander Vucic (premier) and Ivica Dacic (the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia and the head of the Socialist Party of Serbia). Together they are acting to dismantle the independent and sovereign state of Kosovo (February 17, 2008).
Why is Kosovo still at risk from Belgrade and Moscow?
Here are some of the arguments that justify our reasonable fear of endangering Kosovo by the Serbian-Russian “Anschluss.”
- First, in set terms, Serbia doesn’t recognize Kosovo as an independent and sovereign state, as 111 other countries of the United Nations have recognized it. Serbia still considers it a legal part of Serbia, according to Serbia’s Constitution (2006).
- Second, likewise, Putin’s Russia doesn’t recognize the Republic of Kosovo, but considers it a legal territory of Serbia, taking into account the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 on Kosovo, adopted on 10 June 1999 according to which “Kosovo is Serbia’s province.”
- Third, the new political dialog between Belgrade and Pristina (ostensibly for the normalization of relations between Serbia and Kosovo) under monitoring of the European Union (EU) in Brussels (2010-2016).
- Fourth, denial that Kosovo is an international juridicial subject by the United Nations Security Council, where Russia with its VETO has “frozen” independent political status of Kosovo, based on the UN SC Resolution 1244 which in its paragraphs denies Kosovo’s independence.
- Fifth, Moscow and Belgrade’s political and diplomatic agitation propaganda on an international scale, that Kosovo should not be recognized as an independent and sovereign state by other member states of the United Nations, claiming that “Kosovo is the historic cradle and heart of religion, culture and national identity of Serbs and Serbia.”
However this Russian-Serbian assessment is the biggest lie and false of the Serbian history since the Battle of Kosovo (1389), because of the fact that Kosovo has never been part of Serbia’s territory, but only a colony thereof, occupied with aggression and with genocide since fall 1912. Kosovo is the heart of the Illyria-ethnic Albania and Albanians, not any kind of the historical, ethnic, cultural and national identity of Serbs and Serbia.
Kosovo’s statehood will be a big question mark if it remains out of the EU and NATO prompt integration, or still disunited from its motherland Albania.
Therefore, the priority objective of the internal and external policy of Kosovo and Albania leadership must be their the united strategic demand address to the United States, America, EU and NATO, that Kosovo as soon as possible ought to be adhered (as a full member) to the European Union (EU) and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
Otherwise, if the official Tirana and Pristina act vice versa, first, Albania into EU, then Kosovo will remain, even outside the EU, even outside the union with Albania, because the EU, will condition the acceptance of Albania into it, wanted to change the Preamble of the Constitution of the Republic of Albania, where it is speaking on “Albanian national unity.”
Being that in the Constitution of Kosovo (June 15, 2008), is stipulated legal clauses, that Kosovo cannot join any neighboring countries, namely Albania, then, the official Tirana together with Pristina leadership their common request should be submitted to the EU and NATO, in order to integrate Kosovo as soon as possible into their ranks.
So, if Kosovo will not join Albania, before it adhered to the EU, there is no doubt that Kosovo will remain outside Albania integration, as well as outside of integration with the European Union.
Such a “limbo” statehood of Kosovo mostly would be convenient to the Russian-Serbian alliance, to hold Albanian Kosovo further as a “mortgage,” i.e. as a “change coin” of their historical, religious, ideological, political, military and strategic interests of Russia in order to protect Serbs and the other Slavs in the Balkan Peninsula (1878- 2016).
In order to prevent such Russian and Serbian hegemonic policy and colonial ambitions particularly toward Kosovo and Albania territories in the Balkans, it is imperative that the United States with the summary proceedings push Kosovo into the EU and NATO, because it would be effective political strategy to protect the statehood of Kosovo from any eventual risk of Russia and Serbia.
If Kosovo will remain as an object of international debate (because the “north problem” of Kosovo, invented by Belgrade) between Kosovo and Serbia in Brussels (on behalf of the normalization of relations between Serbia and Kosovo) then, for many years its recognition would be delayed as a international legal subjectivity by the Security Council of the United Nations. Therefore, ignorance of the independence of Kosovo by the United Nations Security Council, in continuity will remain an endemic disease. It would threaten the national and territorial statehood substance of the Republic of Kosovo.
Serbia with the agreements reached in Brussels (2010-2016), thanking the Kosovo negotiating party is seeking the return of its colonial and neocolonial sovereignty in Kosovo (1912-1999).
This long-term objective of Serbia, spectacularly proved the signed of the Agreement on the formation of the “Serbian Municipal Association” which approved by the Kosovo government, parliament and Kosovo Constitutional Court which “has endorsed the controversial agreement on forming an Association od Serbian Municipalities, which opposition parties have bitterly contested.” [].
As we wrote dozens of times before, since the “technical dialogue” between Pristina and Belgrade (2010), we must emphasize that the Agreement on set up “Serbian Municipal Association” is an initial draft of the Constitution for the establishment of a “Republic of Serbia” in Kosovo, as it had “Serb Republic in Bosnia” created by genocide in 1992.
Why Serbia’s general elections in Kosovo?
This geopolitical and geostrategic long-term objective of the colonial restoration of Serbia in Kosovo, does not hide neither Belgrade nor Moscow, nor the Serb minority in Kosovo, who, although participate in government and in the parliament of Kosovo, but they don’t recognize Kosovo as their state, but Serbia. This, among other things, proves the beginning of the organization of the parliamentary elections of Serbia in Kosovo, which will be held on April 23, 2016.
What political, juridical and constitutional scandal is this, Serbia organizes its parliamentary elections for its minority in a foreign country?
Well, would it allow Belgrade, Albania or Kosovo to hold their own national elections in Presheva, Bujonc and Medvegja in order to vote Albanian minority for Kosovo and Albania?
The answer is negative, NO!
Then, with what right Serbia makes such a thing in a foreign country, i.e. in Kosovo Republic which isn’t under Serbia?!
There is no dilemma that the holding of parliamentary elections of Serbia in Kosovo, is an act of violation of the territorial, administrative and state sovereignty of the Republic of Kosovo, which in the political, legal and constitutional sense that means Kosovo “is a territorial and administrative unit of the Serbia’s state.”
Such interfering of Serbia in the internal affairs of Republic of Kosovo (according to the International Law and the United Nations Charter) is an indirect aggression against Kosovo. So, this is one more argument why America with Western European allies, should review its political, diplomatic, military and peaceful strategy concerning the peaceful settlement of the Albanian national question in the Balkans, firstly, entering Kosovo in the EU and NATO, or let and support it to join with motherland Albania.
Otherwise, it will remain just an illusion of the creating and integration, as well as the balance of the Balkans relations, because Serbia as a big hegemonic and colonialist power is not giving up on Kosovo, Preseva, Bujanoc and Medvegja. They still is consider them as a legal integral part of South Serbia.