Know That You Are Loved

When I think of the opportunity of this platform, especially my first article, I want to use this time, this space, as wisely as possible – for what matters most.

I want to use my space with this newspaper to write about what I feel is the most important thing to write about, something so important that I would think of before I die that I would want to share with the world: You are loved.

With crime, sadness, loss, and destitution being quietly at an all time high, with our teens, and even sometimes their parents with them, running desperately in the streets with their knives feeling lost and desperate in a fight for survival … you are loved.

I have been one of those – desperate with knives to stay alive. I’ve learned from it. If we stop, even just for a short time, maybe a few hours at best – we will find that source of love.

Our children can have peace when we do this because we have found the strength in us to reach to them. It is just this easy. The amount of time is different for everyone, the later part of what we have to go through, and the literal throbbing pain. But if you can do this, and perhaps more than once … perhaps, a few times a week, perhaps everyday – or better yet – perhaps a few times a day for hours – such as me … you will find peace and love.

I hope this first article of my column has driven you in to read me regularly. I write from my gut with honesty and truth – this is the only way I know to write, other than when the editor makes more subtle corrections for me. If you accept this of me, you will enjoy my column.

I will be writing about women’s issues: things that affect us, our children, our spouses, and how society affects us – sometimes comparing contrast of our historical past, where we want to be, who we want to be, and why we have to ask of those – and should we – or better yet – for permission to be ourselves?

I’m happy to take questions and even address topics that are brought to my attention.

Lori Finnila
Lori Finnila aka Lori Jean is a former radio show host of the Women Empowerment Show who writes on women's issues. She studys creative writing and screenwriting, is a recording artist with music at iTunes, and an author