Lori Finnila
Elderly Love Never Fades
They've reached the highest in heights and sailed through to the ultimate destination in the end, always together, always being there for each other.
Are Juvenile Facilities ‘Safe’ for Homeless Teens?
In residential treatment centers across Illinois, children are assaulted, sexually abused and running away by the thousands, but the state sends more there.
Art Forms Speak Literacy
Women once shunned thrive today. Lori Finnila tells the story of a teenager whose baby was forcibly aborted, and who was silenced, but is silent no more.
Humanity and Land
Who made the idea of buying land? Why were certain people left out of receiving this paper so they could buy land?
Abstinence of Sex: Powerful Benefits
Being celibate myself for over 20 years - and yes, I am still alive and breathing - no one would guess.
Mental Illness in Women
I was left with the feeling I had to learn to speak all over again - to think seriously as a woman before I speak. It was even suggested I seek mental health treatment.
Know That You Are Loved
I have been one of those people, desperate with knives to stay alive, but it doesn't have to be that way, because you are loved.