Recovery expert Holli Kenley will speak at the annual Anti-Bullying Conference on October 19, 2016 at the Riverside Convention Center, CA.
The event is hosted by the Anti-Bullying Institute of Southern California, located in Riverside, and is open to the public educators, teachers, parents, guardians, law enforcement, therapists, counselors, and health care professionals. During the conference, participants and speakers share their knowledge and experience on bullying and related problems, aiming at raising awareness and developing practical tools to prevent bullying in its various forms.
Holli Kenley is the author five books on abuse and recovery issues, including Cyber Bullying No More: Parenting a High Tech Generation and this years Breaking Through Betrayal: and Recovering the Peace Within (2nd Edition). A Wellness Editor and contributing author for Clear Life Magazine, she has appeared on media speaking against bullying and other kinds of abuse.
Bullying and cyber bullying are maladaptive social behaviors which have become increasingly normative in our society, says Kenley. When our children are harmed by abusive words, actions, and cyber aggression or humiliation, we want to help them and protect them.
As she sees it, turning to the source of the problem, or to one institution or organization in order to seek justice or restoration is a fundamental part of finding a solution or preventive strategy. Although this may provide some short-term relief, in order to address bullying and cyber bullying effectively, we must implement a team or holistic approach.
At its annual conference, The Anti-Bullying Institute brings together highly experienced and trained educators, public officials, law enforcement, and health care professionals as well as seasoned advocates of human rights to present a comprehensive program of protection, intervention, and prevention. Attendees will leave the conference with an increased awareness as to the complexities of bullying and cyber bullying and with implementable tools, strategies, and programs with which to address it.
Holli Kenley acknowledges that although traditional bullying continues to be a significant problem and there is a strong relationship between traditional bullies and cyber bullies, cyber bullying has taken on epidemic proportions.
With increasing ease and access to technology, no one individual has to be stronger, bigger, or supported by others in order to willfully harm another individual, she says. With the stroke of a key, one individual has unlimited power to unleash his/her antagonistic agenda. For the past six years, I have researched all aspects of cyber bullying and have uncovered some highly disturbing factors of causation which are conditioned and reinforced by our relationship with technology.
Details of speakers and exhibitors at the event is available at the institutes website.