US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton today said Amelia Earhart’s legacy still resonates these days for everyone who dreams of reaching the stars.
On her remarks at an event celebrating Amelia Earhart and the United States’ Ties to Our Pacific Neighbors, Ms. Clinton said Amelia Earhart embodies the spirit of an America coming of age and increasingly confident, ready to lead in a quite uncertain and dangerous world.
It has been 75 years since Amelia Earhart set out in that twin-engine Lockheed Electra to be the first pilot, man or woman, to fly around the world along the longest equatorial route, Ms. Clinton said.
Shes notes that America in 1937 was still in the grips of the Great Depression; millions were out of work, millions more were struggling.

In 1937, around the world, authoritarianism was on the march. War loomed, people wondered openly about the future of our country. They asked if democracy, if free market capitalism, America itself could survive.
“Our nation has always risen to the challenges that we have faced, but every so often, we need to be reminded that as Americans, a lot is expected of us.” -Ms. Clinton
She urges all Americans to keep showing and giving what we are capable of.
There’s no challenge too big, no problem too great, and we’ve always been blessed with a land of courageous pioneers and fearless optimists, Ms. Clinton stressed.
She says now Amelia Earhart may have been an unlikely heroine for a nation down on its luck, she gave people hope and she inspired them to dream bigger and bolder.
When she took off on that historic journey, she carried the aspirations of our entire country with her.Ms. Clinton said.
“So today, we meet at a time when the challenges are not so dire despite what you might hear on cable television or talk radio. But these are still difficult days for many Americans.” -Ms. Clinton
After a long decade of war, terrorism, and recession, there are some who are asking whether we still have what it takes to lead, Ms. Clinton said.
“And like that earlier generation, we too could use some of Amelia’s spirit, that sense that anything is possible if we just roll up our sleeves and get to work together.” -Ms. Clinton
Ms. Clinton underlines that there is a lot of hard work ahead of of all Americans.
However, Ms. Clinton stresses that she has no doubt that this generation of Americans, like generations before, have the talent, the ingenuity, the grace, and the grit to emerge greater than ever and to take themselves and our nation to even new and higher heights.
“So like our lost heroine, you will all carry our hopes with us into whatever field of endeavor you go, and in particular, those whom we recognize today, we are excited and looking forward to hear about your own great adventure. Thank you all very much.” -Ms. Clinton
Amelia Earhart was America’s most famous female pilot. She wasn’t afraid to break down barriers. In 1928, she was the first woman to fly as a passenger across the Atlantic Ocean. Then, in 1932, she became the first woman to pilot a plane across that ocean. Her actions inspired other women to follow their dreams. This was especially important because there were few career choices available to women at that time.