US Committed to Secure Nuclear Materials Around The Globe

Is the United States fffectively securing nuclear materials around the world?

The United States of America today expressed commitment to secure vulnerable nuclear materials around the globe.

On his remarks in DC, Assistant Secretary Thomas Countryman

for Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation said the mission on securing nuclear materials is vital to the national security of the United States, Congressional support remains critical.

In his Prague speech, President Obama laid out his vision for a world without nuclear weapons and free from the threat of nuclear terrorism, Mr. Countryman said.

The mushroom cloud of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki, Japan on August 9, 1945 rose some 18 kilometers (11 mi) above the bomb’s hypocenter.

“A year later at the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, participants emphasized the need for each state to take responsibility for the security of nuclear materials under its control. “ -Mr. Countryman

He says each state made specific commitments to advance nuclear security.

At the site level, the United States works with other countries to minimize the civilian use of highly enriched uranium, to eliminate unneeded weapons usable material and to improve security at specific sites.

Where site level assistance is not appropriate, the United States cooperates at the country level with foreign governments to exchange best practices and to demonstrate the safe use of equipment.

“At the global level, we develop global initiatives through the nuclear security summit process, the United Nations, and other for a to improve nuclear security around the world.” -Mr. Countryman

As the US government works to keep Americans safe, it uses tax dollars wisely through the G8 global partnership against the spread of weapons of mass destruction and through the United Nations 1540 committee.

The United States encourages international partners to share the cost of improving security as well.

Building a safer world and protecting the American people also requires that the International Atomic Energy Agency has the resources and authority to carry out its vital mission as the global focal point for nuclear cooperation, Mr. Countryman stressed.

“We’re confident that every effort is made to advance our shared interests in peaceful nuclear uses and security.” -Mr. Countryman

He cites that with the three-tiered strategy, the United States made significant progress in the four-year effort to secure vulnerable nuclear materials.

However, the persistence of illicit trafficking of weapons usable nuclear materials demonstrates that efforts to consolidate materials and secure facilities are not enough, Mr.Countryman cited.

At the state department, several programs promote this international capacity to detect and investigate cases of nuclear material outside proper control.

First, the nuclear smuggling outreach initiative is a State Department led interagency effort to develop partnerships with key countries to combat nuclear smuggling, Mr. Countryman stressed.

Second, the US preventing nuclear smuggling program works to leverage international funding to promote law enforcement cooperation and nuclear forensics cooperation.

“Third, our bureau’s export control and border security program leads interagency efforts to build comprehensive export and border control systems in more than 50 partner countries.” -Mr. Countryman

Finally, the U.S. engagement with a global initiative to combat nuclear terrorism, a partnership of 83 nations that conduct activities haas strengthened plans, policies, and interoperability on the issue of nuclear terrorism.

The United States has expressed commitment to fully support to move the Conference of Disarmament to action as the country envisioned the world without nuclear weapons.

On 5th of February 2011, the New START Treaty officially entered into force with the exchange of Instruments of Ratification between Secretary Clinton and Foreign Minister Lavrov in Munich. The entry into force of the New START Treaty sets into motion a number of requirements.

The New START Treaty between US and Russia will result in the lowest number of strategic nuclear warheads deployed by the United States and the Russian Federation since the 1950s.

The New START Treaty sets the stage for further limits on and reductions in nuclear arms. The United States intends to pursue with Russia further reductions in strategic and non-strategic nuclear weapons, including on non-deployed nuclear weapons.

The United States will continue its long tradition of transparency about nuclear weapons, as exemplified by the stockpile numbers that it released during the NPT Review Conference.

Mina Fabulous
Mina Fabulous follows the news, especially what is going on in the US State Department. Mina turns State Department waffle into plain English. Mina Fabulous is the pen name of Carmen Avalino, the NewsBlaze production editor. When she isn't preparing stories for NewsBlaze writers, she writes stories, but to separate her editing and writing identities, she uses the name given by her family and friends.