A Liverpool fanatic and his superb red LFC scooter.
The English are proud to be a nation of sports mad football fanatics. It gives us something to complain about, something to be happy about and something to feel emotional about. We’re also mad about vehicles with two wheels.
Sport is the basis for most conversations between men, if we couldn’t complain about an Italian managing our national side or debate the ineffectiveness of playing a lanky stick alongside a grunting ogre what would we talk about over a pint and a game of pool?
Can Liverpool really make it without Torres and Gerrard? Can Manchester City buy success? Does Arsenal need to stop trying to ‘walk it in’ and can Chelsea players really trust John Terry around their spouses? They’re all debates which never end with any valid conclusions but help to keep the mouth active in-between sips.
So much is our love for the game of football that most men will own a replica shirt or two, maybe even a few accessories – a scarf, a hat, wristband, even jewellery. But some love their clubs so much that they can’t settle for a small piece of apparel.
Love is Two Wheels

This scooter belongs to lifetime Liverpool fan Robert Beesley, a fanatic for the game and for his team. Some may think it is a little over-the-top, some (Liverpool fans especially) are probably saying “I want one” right now, some may even say he is mad, but whatever they say I am sure everyone would agree that he must have balls the size of the ones kicked by his idols when you find out where he lives.
Robert Beesley Says
Robert: I live 4 minutes from Man United’s training ground at Carrington.
Jester: Do you take your scooter out often?
Robert: We have regular scooter ride outs throughout the North West as well as bank holiday weekend rallies, think Brighton and Mods!!!
Jester: Ever received any abuse from United fans?

Robert: The majority see it for what it is; a work of art. They appreciate the fact I have devoted time and money to create something to show my love for my team. But there are also some that give me abuse as well.
Jester: How much would it take for you to ride that thing around Old Trafford on matchday?
Robert: The thing, a 1969 lambretta Gp, with a TS! Engine – capable of 95 miles per hour on two wheels small ones. It has already been around Old Trafford lots of times; call me a maniac but its great fun, good job I have gone by the time they realize!!!
Funny Maniac
A maniac indeed, but a very passionate and funny one on two wheels. Rob is clearly Liverpool through and through and this two wheels machine is an amazing testament to that fact – and to his great personality. All the best to him, his scooter and, of course, to Liverpool FC.