Essential Traits to Winning as a Horse Trainer

In all aspects of life, if an individual want to succeed, they need to put in the work and effort. They also may need a little luck of being in the right place at the right time. It doesn’t hurt when they align themselves with smart, driven people. It’s easy to draw parallels to success in life to success in sports. After all, for many, being involved in sports is a business and has a significant impact on their livelihood and well-being. In the business and sport of horse training, it’s no different: They won’t achieve their goals unless they develop certain characteristics and behaviors. If they can learn to turn their vision and passion into action, they can build a lucrative business and enjoy many victories along with way.

Desire to Win

Anyone may have heard the oft-stated quote, “Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing.” College football coach Red Saunders uttered the words decades ago, and they were more famously repeated by legendary pro football counterpart Vince Lombardi. Some people may cringe at this notion and think it places too much value on beating an opponent or getting an advantage over a competitor. In the context of a game or of trying to maneuver in front of someone else for positioning, it makes sense. If an individual doesn’t have the desire to emerge victorious-if they’re only going through the motions-how much is their heart in the activity? How long can they sustain theirr efforts? Successful people want to be the best. It doesn’t mean they’re going to step on someone to get on top, nor does it imply that unfair play is appropriate. Simply, people who have that burning desire to come out in front of the competition have a strong track record of achieving goals.


The most elite athletes in the world can often win on talent alone. The brightest minds in business might topple all comers in some cases without even trying much. But for the most part, even the most gifted people won’t get to where they want to be without a relentless devotion to their craft. Horse trainer Karl Broberg is one of the top trainers in the business, accumulating more than $45 million in earnings thanks to countless wins and strong finishes by his horses. He’s also built a successful business called End Zone Athletics. But neither Broberg nor any other acclaimed trainer ever got to this level-and stayed there long-without a deep commitment to learning everything possible about the sport. Broberg, and others like him, spend hours upon hours studying film, studying the track, and knowing how each horse performs under what conditions.

Turn Off the Critics

In horse racing, like any sport, there will always be naysayers and detractors to other people’s accomplishments. If a person is always winning, there will be people saying they got there by luck or by fraud. If they lose consistently, people will deride them saying that they’re not good enough. Ultimately, the only critic that matters is an individual’s self. If they believe in their self and their objectives, tjey can go make farther than if they worry about the white noise around them. Broberg and his company, End Zone Athletics Inc, haven’t attained success because of fear of upsetting the crowds or a desire to prove everyone wrong. These achievements have come through self-belief and an undeterred, laser-focused view of the finish line.

There are many more qualities that define how a person becomes a champion, but if a person can start with these three, they can go far as a horse trainer. These elements are also part of an effective roadmap to satisfaction in many of life’s pursuits.

Melissa Thompson
Melissa Thompson writes about a wide range of topics, revealing interesting things we didn't know before. She is a freelance USA Today producer, and a Technorati contributor.